JUST IN: John Kennedy Clashes With Chris Murphy On Senate Floor: ‘What He Has Said Is Inaccurate’



No law will prevent someone from doing harm to themselves or someone else if that is what they want to do. Yet laws can prevent a law abiding Citizen from being able to protect themselves and others. Let that sink in.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!! PERIOD. IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO TAKE AWAY the 2nd amendment right. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. PERIOD!!!! This should not even be a debate.


  1. Let me tell you about some of these medial facilities they run , they’ll do anything to keep a Vet from having a better life. As for Democrats they don’t care about our Vets if they did they wouldn’t be living on the streets , they wouldn’t be living at poverty level, they wouldn’t have to pay from medical services, they’d be able to receive the best care the country could give them. Alot of these hole in wall medical places for Vets do nothing but pust pills on them or just doesn’t give the meds they need. The proof , my brother-in-law, Docs had him on meds for his diabetes and they were working just fine, one of these hole in walls med centers decided to change his meds and lower his dosage, 3 months later he was dead. Then they tried to lie about it all to keep my sister from getting Widows pay. Luckily she found some Veteran place that paid to take it all to court and she won , but in my opinion she lost , she lost her husband because of neglect because of the incompetence of a Veteran’s administration outlet clinic. Luckily they were shutdown , myself I think they were just moved, not shutdown and 14 years later I still want more justice for my sister , nieces, my brother-in-law and every Vets that went through or goes through being treated like a nobody. VETS ARE OUR COUNTRY, VETS SHOULD BE TREATED WITH THE RESPECT THEY DESERVE AND THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FROM THE PEOPLE AND OUR GOVERNMENT

    • Callie, Thank you with every inch of my heart. We are a military family and what our veterans are being put through is a disgrace. For their sacrifices to our country they shouldn’t have to worry about their medical care. It breaks my heart to see all of our military families suffering, it is truly uncalled for. God Bless you and yours, and God Bless our beautiful USA.

  2. With a 25 year career in the U. S. Navy behind me this is exactly why I never ask the VA or Democrates in this country for anything. It sometimes gives me pause why we even talk with Democrates because all they want to do is expand HATE within the country.

  3. The entire democrat party is a hate-filled fascist organization. In fact the whole leftism religion is nothing but greed, hate, fascist, bigotry and evil.

  4. For a dummycrat to say love is the answer is such a joke one can’t help but laugh. The party of the KKK, Neo Nazis, Black Panthers, BLM, Antifa, SDS, the Weathermen. These are nothing but punk ass violent hate groups that now have the nerve to go full anti Jew and support a bunch of chickenshit terrorist. The stupid ass worthless dummycrats.

  5. Unfortunately, the Democrats throughout America do not give a damn about our Veterans! They push for illegal Aliens to have the best of everything and do not care one bit about our own American Citizens and Veterans. It is time for every American who believes in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights to vote every Democrat out of office and replace them with common sense conservatives like the newly elected Speaker of the House Mr. Mike Johnson!

  6. The Democrats in America are doing everything in their crime book to indict and remove from the voting ballots our most favorite President Donald J. Trump! Everyone of these Democrats including the Obamas, Soros & Son, Biden Family Pelosis, Schumer should all face charges of Treason and corruption. These individuals should be facing life in prison and or the firing squad. The mistreatment of Donald J. Trump and his family and associates should stop immediately!


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