Kamala Harris’ Epic Fail: The Mistake That Could End Her Career!



This administration has done horrific damage in a short time. I’m not sure we can turn it around. We have millions of illegals that are getting more help than our veterans and elderly.

Anything Obiden has or will sign is NOT legitimate period.



  1. Wake up, folks. Try to be honest for a change. The primary reason for any support of Harris is the hatred felt by so many against Donald Trump. Trump is 100% responsible for the treasonous leadership of the CIA, FBI and DOJ, etc. Setting aside all of the worthless excuses for why this is true, Trump took $55 Million in exchange for appointing the last 3 justices to Scotus, all to ensure that Roe v. Wade was overturned. This made the religious extremists happy, but slapped a hundred million women in the face, letting them know that under Trump they had no rights of any kind. The argument that it supports “state rights” is total B.S. Trump and his DOJ wrote threatening writings to the US Archivist ensuring that the ERA, which was fully ratified in January 2020 should not be certified and published. The ERA has been published, but not certified due to these Trump threats. No one trusts Trump, and all of the people willing to vote for a Hoe like Harris hate Trump so much they’d rather have someone who isn’t even constitutionally eligible for president. What a mess, and if you fall for the civil war machinations, the country is done. Look at what they did to the January 6, 2021 defendants for entering the Capitol.

    • Are you suggesting that there are 100,000,000 women in the US who are eager for sexual relations but desire to have abortions because they don’t wish to have children? If so, you are endorsing 100,000,000 murders. Could you please give me the names, addresses, and phone numbers of these women because I’d love a relationship unencumbered by the chance of pregnancy and children? Or are you simply an extremist liberal activist who shouts big numbers in hopes someone will actually believe your nonsense ( and as the previous reply suggested…a LIBERAL WACKO!)

    • Funny how silly people can be. If you think Roe V. Wade was about abortion you are a fool. The core of the entire issue was The Federal Government forcing its will upon the people regardless of their will, or Returning Ultimate control of these matters to the State- where ALL of the power should be. Why would you not be FOR the rights of the citizens of a State to choose the laws of their own citizens? If you think the Federal Law should be able to trample all over the State’s own laws then I’m sure a National Right to Carry a Gun law being enacted across the country would be just as acceptable. Because if Roe V. Wade- universally panned by the Majority of Liberal and Conservative judges and politicians throughout history was not overturned then the Federal Government could continue to force the States to go against their own people’s will with any Federal law they decided to pass. Abortion, Concealed Carry laws, Requiring Bible verses in public spaces, whatever the law in question may be… can Now Not be Forced on all of the citizens of the US by the federal government against their will. Thank God Trump finally got RvW overturned. The Federal government should never supercede the will of the American people. What Matters of importance and acceptable practices in Dallas for example would be vastly different in someplace like Seattle. Neither should be able to impose its will upon the other. As it should be. Or you can continue to falsely believe and talk about RvW as if it was about abortion. The choice is up to you but for me, the Facts always take precedence.


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