Letitia James has FULL BLOWN MELTDOWN as Trump pulls off a MIRACLE!



Removed and be charged with fraud against Trump.




  1. Charge, arrest, convict, and disbar this corrupt black female! James is a disgrace not only to our profession but as an American—that is, if she is one!

  2. Letitia James has totally got to go just like her Judge Boyfriend whose definitely with James trying to be with the UNLUCKY DEMOCRATIC, JACKASSES, OF ALL JACKASSES DEMOCRATS ALL TOGETHER!!!

  3. Letitia James is a hateful, evil minded bitch and she needs to be investigated to the fullest. She has a vendetta against President Trump to the point of going beyond hate. Her facial expressions show an awful, ugly image and she needs to be stopped. Her position as AG has gone to her ugly fat head. She wants to be the one person who takes down a former president even though she has nothing to convict him on. She needs to be investigated and prosecuted for her lies against President Trump.

  4. Yes, investigate James! She should be disbarred and arrested, so should Engoron. This is a demonrat set up to get Trump! There was never a proveable fraud case against Trump! He paid back all loans with interest! So—— whom did he defraud? They “ say” he inflated the value of his properties, but anyone with a brain knows any bank will make their own assessments of value on every property they loan on. So—— where is the crime? Just james’ say so? Doesn’t hold water! She is a scum bag, liar, and has a lot of skeletons in HER closet!

  5. She is a disgrace to black community as a whole. She is doing this for fame because she was unknown until this funny indictments. This lady can flame anyone she wants that is the way I see it. I have been voting democrat all my life but I don’t know about this year I might have to stay home with all this invaders with better privileges she doesn’t care.I wonder if she has husband and children to be this mean dumb and ignorant.

  6. Letita just forgot about the details, like the 8th Amendment and thought that because the NY Times doesn’t like Trump he doesn’t have civil rights to due process.

  7. If you voted Democrat in the past you get what you deserve!
    Paying more and more and more for everything!
    Illegals with more rights than citizens!

    But for us that voted for Trump leave us out of it! We told you so!

    Trump 2024

  8. I need to remind everyone that Letitia James is only part of the problem. She went shopping for the most TDS judge in NYC. She would not have gotten anywhere if not for him. Sadly, it was obvious that he had made up his mind as to Trump’s guilt BEFORE the trial even started. James and Engoron need to be removed and disbarred, never to practice law again. They have forgotten, (if they ever knew) that in this country, the presumption is innocent until PROVEN guilty.

  9. If anyone is guilty of a crime it is the money lenders. Trump applied for a loan they approved and profited when he paid off the loan. Yet, their names are not mentioned. The lenders lent money that belongs to the depositors, it is not the banks to risk without a proper vetting of a loan.

  10. This huge beast needs to be disbarred , they have her saying she is going to do election interference. She isn’t fit to hold any office.She a typical DEI job holder. Big mouth, loud mouth under the illusion tat anyone with 2 functioning neurons would believe a word she says. Her, Karine and Harris. Moe.Larry and Curly. Should add FFani to that waste of space group!


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