Liberal Media MELTSDOWN Over GOP Moving To STOP Illegal Immigrants From Voting In Federal Elections!



Why is this up for debate? Other countries will not allow illegals to vote in their country

American citizenship should be required for ALL elections, not just federal elections. This should be a non-issue.


  1. This does NOT make it harder to vote for older AMERICANS !
    This does NOT make it harder to vote for ANY AMERICANS !
    Real ID, IS accepted, and several others including CHL !
    THE ID that you use to cash your welfare check cashed is accepted !
    The ID you use to get a room is accepted, the ID you use to get on the airline, or on the greyhound is accepted !
    The ID you use, when you pay with your credit card Is Accepted !
    And how would I know?,…. well I’m the person you present your ID to,
    I scan it on the poll-pad, containing the list of all voters in the precinct, and all voters in the state, after its acceptance and your signature, I give you a receipt, you give it to the Next person they give you a ballot,
    and in Practice it is even faster than when you had to sign the poll-book.

    And what is REAL ID ? your drivers license, or public ID card issued by your state, Whom checked your Birth Certificate,…. Your Birth Certificate that you had to produce to get such Drivers license or State ID card after a certain date !,…. A passport also works, as both proof of citizenship, and Voter ID,….ON THE FLIP-SIDE,…. NO ID= no vote,….
    And some sob-story = a provisional ballot which is verified before it is tabulated.
    And it IS,…. “SCOTUS APPROVED”,…. State law, and has been for several years,…. we have NO internet-connection and You cannot bring your cell phone Either,….Elderly can vote from their car by pushing a “doorbell” outside and we will bring out a portable machine, you still have to verify your ID Though !


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