LOOK what was found on Kamala Harris’ campaign website!! WOW



Nothing but DONATIONS BUTTONS on Harris’ website. No mission statement, no policies, no agenda….JUST GIMME MONEY!!

She not only needs voted out, but every single down ballot democrat has to go also. Every single one of them was complicit in the Biden debacle. Good bye and good riddance


  1. To be honest and frank, I have received 4-10 emails from Donald Trump daily and each of these emails demands that I pay money to him for his campaign. The 100% experience of anyone looking at these Trump emails is that he is demanding money be paid to him/his campaign. It is all and only about money.

  2. Kamala is an anti Americanl,; & doesn’would be dictator, who will totally destroy America, if elected. The American people need to wake up & realize that the democrat machine wants absolute, total & permanent control of our lives, . They don’t care about America; & have proven this time after time..

  3. Of course he needs the money – the Demon-rats have tried to bankrupt him. At least he states his platform which Kam-a-la-la won’t do. And her v.p. pick left his career army post one month before his unit was to ship out to the Iraq war, overstated his rank in the military and lied about his career, announcing he had carried guns in combat when he was never in combat.

  4. I keep hearing from all the Democrat talking heads that Kamala is allowed to CHANGE HER MIND on where she stands on health care, border security, national security, crime and the economy. Well if this so, what is to keep her from changing her mind once she gets elected? Gee that sure makes me wonder.

    • Since she has changed her mind on these topics, she certainly is no longer a Dim, as they haven’t changed what small bit of a mind they possess. Charles, you and I don’t have to wonder-because LIARS never change their minds– they just change their LIES!

      • We know she’s lying. Anyone notice all her people are Obambam’s people. Trying to get his 4th term so he can absolutely destroy this country. In case anyone didn’t know Rice and all the rest were at Bambam’s mansion in DC 3/4 times a week for hours each time! Now why would that be?

        • True. One thing that bugs me is that the rule used to be that only Americans can be elected to the presidency. We know Obama wasn’t born here and that he faked his credentials as his own brother stated. Harris was born in crooked Canada so how can she even be in the running???

          • Harris was born in California. Don’t swallow all the bullshit that Trump & his MAGAts feed you. Even this site comes up with the most stupid crap and conspiracy theories.

  5. Well here it is Kamala.. what have you done for the working class of America in the 3 1/2 years as VP. And we know all the bad that happened in the Biden administration you had nothing to do with,. The boarder, inflation, Afghanistan where 13 soldier were killed,all the American people left behind, interest rates, food prices, gas prices really high. And you have the nerve to call trump a felon…how did you get your start in politics. I know let’s ask Willie Brown, and let’s not forget the fact that you help over through your own administration.. so my question is what have you done for the American people…I know lied to the American people about who you really are..and what you now want to do for the working class American people. You have done nothing for 3 1/2 years and all of a sudden you want to rise up and save the working American..You Kamala just keep laying on your back and do what you do best… America does not need you.


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