MAGA BACKLASH as Truckers STOP DELIVERING to New York City!!!



Truckers should stop delivering to ANY state that is charging bogus claims against Trump !!!

Once this verdict is inevitably overturned by a higher court, Trump should sue for malicious prosecution, libel, and slander.
God bless the truckers!


  1. It’s time to put the screws to the sanctuary cities. Even tho I as a conservative haven to live in one I’m willing to endure the pain to get things corrected !!!!! TRUMP in 2024 !!!!!!

  2. If freedom loving Americans who really want to make an impact and force this woke Marxist Democrat Party and republican rhinos then at the grass roots level send the message that we are sick of liberalism being “forced” down our throats. If we refuse to shrink back into the shadows then we will experience a government exactly like third world and communist nations oppress their citizens. Democratic Socialism is moving to a global one world rule. Most globalists hate our constitution that guarantees freedoms of the people. Our educational system is corrupt and actively brainwashing the future leaders of or nation. Our judicial branch is clearly hell bent on destroying the constitution. Media, medical, financial, political, social norms are in the tank to “fundamentally” change America. You would have to be blind not see a transformation occurring.

  3. I do admire the truckers. they are truly wonderful.

    Everyone: when a trucker signals to emerge into your lane slow down and blink you head light to let him know you are letting him in. they are are heroes after all.

  4. I am a retired OTR truck driver (30+ years) and, while all of this boycott is a good talking point, it won’t make a damn bit of difference. You see, for years the government has subsidized several trucking companies and these companies have grown quite large and owe their existence to the government. Have you ever wondered where all the lousy driving truck drivers came from? For the most part, they come from the subsidized companies. Schneider, JB Hunt to name a couple. Yep, I said it but these companies have some outstanding drivers also but they are in the minority. These subsidized companies will go wherever the government tells them to go, period. My advice is to watch the big trucks so you don’t get run over. In closing, GOD BLESS THE REAL TRUCK DRIVERS…the rest are mostly just steering wheel holders and a threat to the motoring public.

    • well you must have noticed that the number one government propped up trucking company (yellow) went belly up two years ago.
      Their equipment that was not pre-2011 has mostly been auctioned off to independents and the old stuff is scrape.

      Both Schneider and J B Hunt are having serious issues with hiring drivers because their pay and fixed cost make them non-competitive with smaller companies and independents. Even amazon, who pays far better, is having difficulty hiring.

      Further there is a massive shortage of trucks and drivers due to the democrats states restrictions on pre-2011 truck based on their fake man made global warming scheme. Which means NY already had a trucking bottleneck. It has also pissed off the entire industry and they would love to inflict pain just for that.

      NY just made themselves the target of years of trucking anger over leftists/democrat tyranny and dictatorial behavior.

      Aside from those structural and emotional issues there is the real risk to any company doing business in the state of new york. New york just showed every that they are so corrupt they will create and artificial law with artificial definitions in a civil court to sue any company they wish out of existence. The raises the risk of doing business in NY through the ceiling.

      Can you imagine the impact to to a trucking company of they have something go wrong in NY. Year of hard work and growth could be gone in an instant. No independent trucker, or small trucking company, is going to want to take that risk anymore.

      You must be a leftist because your story is kind of not true, is it.

  5. I hope the leftists of NY starve to death.

    I hope the gangs turn cannibalism and break into NYC apartments and eat the leftists.

    I hope it gets so bad the citizens demand the judge and AG get charges with criminal corruption and are force to pay trumps fines while publicly admitting they were paid by soros.

    I hope the governor gets hauled into court for criminal misconduct in put in prison for life.

    I hope it gets so bad that the Businesses have to move out of the state and leave their corrupt leftist employees behind to starve to death.

    There are no honest democrats. they do not exist.

    there are no liberals. there are only leftists.

  6. Dealt with truckers that didn’t speak clear English and couldn’t understand why I went bat crap crazy when out shipments were put in sideways (to get more on the truck) and the forklift driver couldn’t get the forks in without first having to turn each pallet around. O love truckers, but their hiring too many foreign drivers that don’t really know to care, they just do what their told.


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