Magazine Claims Biden Open To Step Aside For Michelle Obama



Mike has no interest in being POTUS,

Nobody wants Mike as President


  1. God forbid Michelle Obama it will only be a third term for her husband after him telling Biden what to do. More higher taxes, gas, cost of food, gas, and turning our beloved country to a communist country . Our forefathers are probably turning over in their graves if they could see the terrible state we are in today because of all of the above people.

    • AGREE 1000%. Moooooooooooochelle, Michael Robinson, Big Mike, Man Hands, APE Face, TRANNY. We do NOT need this fucking Transexual FRAUD in the Blight House EVER. I DESPISE this dude with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  2. Obama entered his presidency in a total state of fraud. Michael (fake Michelle entered in two states of fraud, one as a woman, the second as “First Lady”. Both have already been to Gitmo and executed. Obama and Michael now are being played by body doubles and/or clones. Barry Sotero, aka Barak Obama was executed by firing squad in September of 2019. Michael Robinson was executed in October of 2020, also by firing squad. They won’t be able to get away with placing Michael in as President. We, the people are now finding out all about the executions. Hillary also was executed. There are so many body doubles out there, now it is mind boggling. Look up or Real Raw News to get this information yourselves. It is true.

  3. “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”-OBAMA

    “We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” — Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008
    “We have the chance to do even more, but that only happens if we send Joe and Kamala back to the White House in November,” Obama stated. “So, we’ve got to keep working.”

    Translated: “we have to use the correct pronouns, tear down historic statues, rename schools and streets, celebrate serial thugs, vilify our founding fathers, support reparations, feminize the milifairy, allow in more illegal alien voters and play the race card.”

  4. If nothing else Michael will get all the gay votes for the democrats. That’s why all this queer BS is going on by the democrats. Drag shows for kids and this gender BS. All set up by the delusional democrats and their perverted friends


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