Ironic that most folks don’t know that State statutes concerning schools makes the safety of students the #1 most important factor of any school. The school is handed all of the responsibilities of a parent for protecting the children. The relevant doctrine is “loco parentis” and then some. The high price of worthless administrators and most teachers has driven the responsibility from their minds. As a parent who has successfully sued schools several times, it is imperative that there is parental involvement. The PTAs have been trashed by most schools. Volunteer to be in the lunchrooms, on the playgrounds and in the classrooms. Engage in surveillance especially for after school programs.
The school system only cares about one thing how much of a raise can they get and a good education is the last thing on there list, If the schools were doing there job there wouldn’t be so many murders in school! and keep there dam noses out of the parenting of children, I have never heard of so much violence in the schools as these last few years. Its all because of the dam rich kids bullying other students there is so much violence, the schools are as big of a disgrace as the President of the United States! Honoring the misguided people of this world, Rather than God.
All three good comments. It’s time the DOE is kicked to the curb because they promote the current situation and all liberal kicked out of education and we get back to real educations from kindergarten through college.
Your teachers unions give money to support democrats running for State and federal Senate and house of Rep who push perverting our kids.. think about that when u vote in primaries & in November Elections
Ironic that most folks don’t know that State statutes concerning schools makes the safety of students the #1 most important factor of any school. The school is handed all of the responsibilities of a parent for protecting the children. The relevant doctrine is “loco parentis” and then some. The high price of worthless administrators and most teachers has driven the responsibility from their minds. As a parent who has successfully sued schools several times, it is imperative that there is parental involvement. The PTAs have been trashed by most schools. Volunteer to be in the lunchrooms, on the playgrounds and in the classrooms. Engage in surveillance especially for after school programs.
OUR COUNTRY IS GOING DOWN HILL AT AN ALARMING RATE. The public school system is the root of all evil.
The school system only cares about one thing how much of a raise can they get and a good education is the last thing on there list, If the schools were doing there job there wouldn’t be so many murders in school! and keep there dam noses out of the parenting of children, I have never heard of so much violence in the schools as these last few years. Its all because of the dam rich kids bullying other students there is so much violence, the schools are as big of a disgrace as the President of the United States! Honoring the misguided people of this world, Rather than God.
All three good comments. It’s time the DOE is kicked to the curb because they promote the current situation and all liberal kicked out of education and we get back to real educations from kindergarten through college.
Oops… forgot to add way to go mama bear.
Your teachers unions give money to support democrats running for State and federal Senate and house of Rep who push perverting our kids.. think about that when u vote in primaries & in November Elections