Mike Johnson ENDS Rashida Tlaib Over Illegal Encampments Across America



We need Trump back ASAP to get this cleaned up.

If you;re not American, and youre not American first!!!!! get out of Congress


  1. That Tlaib bitch should be put on a plane and sent back to her home country asap!! She’s a hateful disgusting slob and antiamerican, what the hell is she doing in our Congress? Tlaib, Omar and the rest of the squad plus Bernie Sanders should be hog tied and dumped in a pit to rot.

  2. Maybe you are right PurePurple but i think their is a better way. Put Tailap, Omfar, Bernie and the rest of the anti Americans on a barge, pull it out to the middle of the Pacific then leave it so the Navy can use it for target practice. If they survive let them swim home to their own country. End of terrorist in the congress and America. Maybe not a good idea. You are nott supposed to dump TRASH in the ocean.

  3. No bernie, Israel has NOT created the worst humanitarian crisis, in fact josephus robinette bribem has created the worst humanitarian crisis, in fact he has created the crisis within the united states, Execute all hamas members, Not Palestinians, but hama’s members, including those in the united states congress, and remember that bernie, YOU and the squad, have created the worst humanitarian crisis, since the days of Adolf hitler

  4. Our language has become very inappropriate and inhuman. Would we like others to call us the same titles you give to others? I think our Christian values and virtues have eroded to the point that comments printed are out of proportion from being humane and civil, worst, the language are similar to the mobsters. NO WONDER OUR YOUNG PEOPLE do not have good role models anymore.


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