More Truckers RISE UP against NYC as Civil War Fears SURGE!!!




Forget about the people of NYC , they voted for their officials. So the people of NY are just as much to blame as their Governor, their Mayor and their Senators.


  1. I’m all for these boycotts these radicals need to go to a country that is better than the United States of America. Good luck finding one! We the people got to stop this radical crap. Thanks and we got to keep fighting!!!

  2. I hope the truckers boycott screws new york so hard that even those disgusting lying leftists learn a lesson about their sick twist BS thinking.

    I honestly hate the dmeocrats and their leftists supporters for their completely corrupt criminal behavior.

    The boycott needs to go on until engoron and james are disbarred

  3. What is happening to our country??
    I never in my lifetime thought I
    would witness the corruption in our
    federal and state legislators!!
    Just because you don’t like a person
    because of his or her political affiliation; you don’t try to destroy
    him/her and their families; out
    of revenge or maybe just jealousy.
    President Trump does not deserve
    the unfairness he is receiving from
    these “Blue” states just because
    they are SO afraid he will win
    the 2024 presidential election.
    I applaud the truckers for their
    boycotting NYC. Wake up people!
    This is the USA!

    • You are so right they went after Trump straight from the beginning why because he ruined their plans you can see what is going on now that Biden is in. Trump will get my vote again. I pray that Americans open their eyes and see what is happening to our country under Biden.

  4. Oh My God this is So So Great. I applaude the Truckers for boycotting NY and hope this goes on until the election in November. Maybe a few more states need to put on the Boycott list, those who are trying to keep Trump off the ballot. This is now you start to fight back against a tyrannical Government. You Guys are the absolute BEST. Please let us know where we can donate I see Scalise and Jonston are trying to get in on donations, no way I donate to them. I want to know where I can donate and only the Truckers benefit.

  5. I am very happy for the support the American Truckers are doing to support MAGA and my favorite President Donald J. Trump. Maybe this boycot will finally wake up the American Citizens to finally realize the Dems are destroying America including the Decloration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the U.S. Constitution. God Bless our beloved Truckers and their families. In addition, God Bless America.

  6. Thank you and God Bless to all the truckers out there for showing what true patriotism is. You are the best!! President Trump needs all of our support so he can be back in the White House. Be safe and thank you again for all your hard work.

  7. Thank the morons that voted for these liberal commies.every city is crime ridden and now they want to destroy the small towns and suburbs.we need a civil war to cleanse the garbage.

  8. Can’t believe these commentators’ attitudes. Reading this, they form their opinions on a bunch of truck drivers and a former real-estate agent.
    Now I can sleep better.

  9. I fought for the USA in Korea, didn’t fight for these crooked democrats and for the ruination of this country! I can’t believe that “true” Americans can support all the crookedness that is going on in America. Keep on truckin you guys, my family and I back you100% with your boycott against that “worm” of a man? Engeron and that supposed. woman? James!
    I pray that God will intervene and make this country great again!

  10. I totally support what Truckers are doing! More and more people need to rise up against the tyranny by this present regime and Democrats, that find it amusing for American citizens to suffer at the hands of the left’s policies, while illegals are given housing, credit cards, free food, cell phones and money with our tax dollars that WE work for!
    We have a broken legal system, a system that deliberately goes after Conservatives. While allowing criminals to get away with anything they decide to do. We have crooked judges and prosecutor’s across this country that were put in their positions by Obama when he was President. Obama started this divide and lawlessness, and he continues it, using moron Biden as his puppet! Obama once said in an interview, “if he could find a way to be President a third time, he would do it!” Well folks, he found that way! The Selection of Biden, not elected Biden, was his way. A coup’ was played on the American people in the last election, and we are now paying the price!

  11. Not only the truckers, the rest of the American loving conservatives need to step up and boycott NY, not go there , not buy products produced there. Have nothing to do with them

  12. Wish the bikers could get involved some how maybe surround the whole city only letting out the fleeing businesses and those republicans who wish to flee. With no truckers coming in to deliver food NYC will go bust trying to feed the illegals haha

  13. Phuc NY state and city. If you don’t like going hungry; start eating each other. It will be just like Stalin’s dictatorial communism.

    You slimy NY scum like dictatorial communism so you will love going cannibal on each other.

    I hope the trucker shut down your access to everything. Need toilet paper? use your hands.

    Need medical supplies? tough. I hope it hurts like hell.

    There is no one in NY that has any reason to be expelling CO2. you are needlessly causing man made global warming. I hope the truckers boycott helps stop some of that

    All democrats are evil, NY people are the worst and Engoron is and extreme worst.

    I think the truckers should not stop their boycott ever. At least until Judge Engoron and James are forced to pay $400 milion in fines and lose their law licenses.


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