MSNBC Host SHOCKED Michigan Dems REFUSE To Vote Biden!



People would get mad at Trump if he did what Biden did…well said Jimmy

Fear over reality. The fear of Trump over the reality of Biden.


  1. face it MSNBC/CNN/AP/ABC everyone hates biden and the dmeocrats a lot more then they use to hate trump.

    We all knwo the dmeocrats are breaking the law with their legal attacks on trump. we all know the BS the democrats spew about trump is untrue. We all know that the dmeocrats are destroying democracy while claiming trump would.

    none of the leftwing bs is working anymore.

    how about you just try honesty.

    • Totally agree. Wonder why republicans can’t get anything done either? me thinks Washington is broke. Of course Trump, but, that only moves the ball 4 years … then what? Is the American experiment over?

  2. It’s OK, MSNBC Host Person!

    We on the right are absolutely totally flabbergasted that you degenerate reprobate moron democrats would vote for PedoJoe. A B S O L U T E L Y

    ps: Tell Ray Madcow I said Hello and to go get a make-over. He needs it miserably.

  3. Yea Detroit tell us about the car industry who Joe has destroyed, I’m sure them electric cars are doing good for you now. Talk about Trump will destroy our democracy, you Muslim you don’t have a democracy here in the USA, your agenda is to destroy our democracy. I hope Trump does drain even the Michiagan swamp.

  4. Orwell would be laughing at how accurate his book was; missed the date, but everything else is spot on. All ol’puddin’ head had to do was rename his misinformation org to “Ministry of Truth” to make all the pieces fit perfectly. As far as electric cars and everything: I say fine, but start with electrifying the border wall! democratic socialists are acting more like National Socialists, and such bullshit talk of genocide in Ghaza! A couple of Neutron bombs would settle the whole argument.

  5. yup, we have watch the democrats for 3 years and they have proven to us that obama was a shit president and biden is worse.

    We have watches their political/legal/FBI/ and military attacks on people they disagree with and it is disgusting all of us.

    We have watch the dmeocrats violate every single law and claim it is someone else fault. we have watches biden lie, cheat, steal and lie some more and we are sick of it.

    WE have watches the things the democrats/media told us trump lied about or did turn out of be far different they the democrats said and we are sick of that too.

    Trump is no longer the evil scary guy. Continued rule by the democrats is scary.

  6. The American people are to blame for this country being run the way it is and with the shit we have to vote for it is only going to get worse, this country is a disgrace and is no better than any third world country. Because they are nothing but crocks and liars in charge of this country who want to take everything away from us. And they all need to be removed from office and that idiot Biden needs to go first, he is as stupid as thet come!!!!

  7. US IS GOING DOWN the drain with hateful people dominating whether via the press, how we behave with one another, criticizing people in leadership role as if it is easy to govern. Let us take a moment to examine ourselves on how behave with others. We lost the fundamental respect for people and wonder how these folks who show hatred with others have shown the right attitude with their children. Were have our decency been going? Do we practice any religion that helps us to be humane? OUR LANGAUGE IS SO PROFANE! WHY blame others, if each one of us practice decency and respect to people who work hard to promote justice, this country might be better off. We are onlookers and enjoy criticizing others and not doing our fair share of promoting peace instead of chaos. I WISH the people who can easily label anybody stupid knows that if he is more stupid because he/she may not have a chance to govern a small group of intelligent people. Intelligent people know how to hold their criticisms until they walk on the shoes of our leaders. PRAYING FOR THE ENLIGHTENMENT OF THE HIGHLY CRITICAL PEOPLE to LEARN TO BE RESPECTFUL. People who label others as stupid are stupid too, it takes one to know one!


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