Never Trumpers COME OUT To Defend Trump!



I will always support and defend Donald j Trump

God bless and protect president Donald Trump,


  1. Our government is now one of the most corrupt in the world, with the American communist party now running our country. We now have politicians in office that should face a firing squad.

    • It will be thrilling to see an officer of the 3rd Infantry with a 7-man firing squad on the mall near the Lincoln Memorial with a backstop giving final requests for those found guilty of treason/espionage the question: “Care for a 1/2 a cigarette”? And the final question: “Blindfold or no blindfold”? A drum roll, the charges read-out, and “Make ready, take aim, fire”. This could carry on for days. Loaded boxes with no flags and taken to an unknown landfill in D.C.. How will they handle all the parking and the charges? How much for hotdogs and burgers and beer? Proceeds will go to work on that $32Trillion debt these quislings have put us in, along with all of those sales of all holdings and property this scum has collected in their misdeeds against, “We The People”. This is what happens when those involved in a “coup d’Etat” get their just reward.

  2. Donaldo is getting what he Paid for.He worked hard for years to be in this position. Now let him enjoy the fruits of his Labour.Of course,he can make America great again,from inside a cell

  3. Let us pray for enlightenment, sounds like we are full of hatred for others. What we need during these critical times is take some time to indulge in prayers and examine our conscience if we have committed both sins of commission and omission. WE have stopped in practicing the second commandment hence we are full of hatred for others, no respect for human dignity and wonder how we can teach our children this simple act of being kind to others. No wonder our children are committing grave crimes like shooting classmates, teachers and bystanders. We love the criminals and hate the honest people. The world is full now of people who do not show if they believe in God. I am not a priest, nun or a preacher. just like you guys but thanks God with my 85 years in this world, I DO NOT have a health challenge because I TRY MY VERY BEST to respect the ten commandments. We are filled with evil thoughts might be influenced by the devils lurking in every corner of our homes, community and country as whole. Let us be little kinder to ourselves by having good thoughts about our own families, neighbors and acquaintances. It is lamentable that what comes from our thoughts and words are hateful, vengeful and no respect for others, let alone ourselves exposing our deeper thoughts in print. PRAYING to the HOLY Spirit that we will be cleansed from hatred and anger and stay healthy physically and spiritually. IMPLORING for God’s intervention on our bad thoughts to stop.


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