We are unkind that we forget about the commandment love thy neighbor as thyself. OUR Humane values are eroded and showed no respect with anybody. We are getting so pathetic that we easily label people without having been in contact with the people we perceive as brain retarded and compare others with the cartoon characters. PATHETIC!
…Holy Christ! About 50% of this video is an advertisement for coffee!
And the other 100% is about how stupid JB looks.
Biden is so lost that we need President Trump right now, not wait until November!!
It takes a lot to get pity from me, but I have it for the American people What must the rest of the world think of us?
You are right, Tom.
The world at large does not need to look at cartoons. We have one right here!
We are unkind that we forget about the commandment love thy neighbor as thyself. OUR Humane values are eroded and showed no respect with anybody. We are getting so pathetic that we easily label people without having been in contact with the people we perceive as brain retarded and compare others with the cartoon characters. PATHETIC!