SOS, most definitely, it was Hillary who gave Putin 22 % of our yellow cake uranium. In turn, he gave some to Iran. They hung Juliene and Ethel Rosenburg, the death penalty. and hung them for less.
What is the Clinton body count up to now? Please add in the 400+ Cubans that Slick Willie had the Coast Guard turn back to Cuba on his first day in office after having campaign promised them that he would let them in. These Clinton’s are viscous, but the dems that protect them are filthy.
Ask yourself how Hillary Clinton could have so much power. Why has the deep state been endlessly protecting her. Seek the answers.
Hitlery isn’t suicidal. She has a trail of Arkancided bodies in her wake. She is the epitome of evil.
Enough said
SOS, most definitely, it was Hillary who gave Putin 22 % of our yellow cake uranium. In turn, he gave some to Iran. They hung Juliene and Ethel Rosenburg, the death penalty. and hung them for less.
What is the Clinton body count up to now? Please add in the 400+ Cubans that Slick Willie had the Coast Guard turn back to Cuba on his first day in office after having campaign promised them that he would let them in. These Clinton’s are viscous, but the dems that protect them are filthy.