Republican Gives CRYING Never Trumpers Supporting Kamala Harris A SOBER Reality Check On Their GRIFT



If you are okay with Kamala’s plans for the country you were never a true conservative.

Vote for Donald Trump to make them cry more.


  1. If these people want to live under a communist ruler then they need to leave the USA and go to a Communist country to live and leave all of our freedoms alone and enjoy yourself, the way the Russians did for so many years until they decided that living that way wasn’t so great!!!!

  2. Please, please,please. All you Trump haters, just listen to the man. There’s nothing to be aftraid of. He wants what we all want. Peace,prosperity, opportunity for everyone. EVERYONE. When he bought Mar A Laro, he committed to end the scourge of restricted country clubs, which restricted membership against blacks and Jews. Not only is this man not a racist, he is a champion of minorities. He wants a strong border, not to eliminate immigration, but to enhance it for legitimate, vetted asylum and opportunity seekers who will value our country as we will value their contribution. Trump wants us to be energy independent. Is that scary? We can instead surrender our interests to our adversaries but that means we lose our power and then what? The global interests overwhelm ours. Trump knows this. If the globalists take over, we are lost. The term American exceptionalism be be retired to the waste bin of history. Is that really what you want? Please people, THINK! We are on the brink. If we lose this one we may not get another chance. Harris is the beloved daughter of an avowed Marxist. Her VP pick, Tim Walz has a decades old love affair with Communist China. He has visited China 30 times, teachng Communist Party approved classes there, he celebrated his marriage there and even took his US students there to show them the glory of the Communists. Harris thinks this man should be a heartbeat away from our Presidency? That should tell you all you need to know about Harris.
    She’s been flip flopping on everything she ever said but at the end of the day, she still she wants to install a Communist in our government who won’t be going anywhere for for at least four years. Do you want that? And idiology aside, Harris has no qualifications that speak to her
    ability to be successful. She ruined San Francisco with woke policies (you want a flat screen TV? Go get one for free in San Francisco. Just make sure it’s worth less tha $950. That’s the requirement to not be prosecuted under Harris policies. You want burn dowm a police station?
    That’s okay. If you get arrested, Harris will bail you out. It true. It happened during the Minnesota riots when Harris famously said of the rioters, “They won’t stop, and they shouldn’t stop” Yoiu want this person to be My president? I don’t think so. She’s done nothing on the border crisis that was created under this adminsitration and now 35,000 children are missing, presumably being traffics for the sex trade. Would you want somene who enabled that for migrant children to have control over what happens to your children? You want little Johnny to be told at school that he might be happier if he were little Janie? Vote for Harris and Tampon Tim, they’ll get it done. I’m counting on all you traditional Democrats to wake up and pay attention. I know you’re not evil people and I know you’re not stupid people but now I need you to
    look inside yourselves and inside what was once your party. Thanks for listening and your considersation.

    • I understand that upon finally opening Mar A Lago, Don sent a copy of “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” to each and every local official who had been blocking or otherwise standing in the way of his applications and construction permits.

  3. What policy lies does Trump have this time? Remember his first campaign promises? Healthcare plan, balanced budget, Mexico wall money, infrastructure money, eliminate the deficit, eliminate ISIS, etc. All typical Trump bullshit. Trump was just a joke anyway. Now the lunatic has lost his mind. Time to flush the orange turd. What a useless POS he turned out to be.

      • Another brainwashed MAGAt. Maybe get your news from somewhere else than this POS site? I hope you got your refund from Trump University.

    Candidates: 78 years old,convicted felon proven in court to have raped a journalist; vs a 60 year old district attorney and prosecutor; sat in court to defend himself vs stands in court to conduct hearings; taken by limo to school vs worked at McDonald to help finance her education; demeans women versus defends women; third wife posed nude to promote a business; vs husband a law professor and lawyer; declared many bankruptcies and yet claimed to be a multimillionaire;vs a current vice president without known bankruptcies; 78 taking steroids might drop due to so much hatred and speaks with profanities and niece claims he has a mental disorder hence with delusion of grandeur vs 60 years old happy without health challenges. MAY THE HOLY SPIRIT AWAKEN OUR CONSCIENCE!


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