That moment you realize it was all a lie…



Scott Adams is right once again especially about crying victimhood

Totally with you.
I detest everything about communism


  1. Braindead Incompetent LIAR ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  2. Goverments have become so big that politicians know only to grab and control everyting while keeping the public as dumb as possible. Politicians give tax payer money we don’t have to people who hate us. Our US Congress ought to be a part-time job–not a life-long career of growing government, securing power, and using influence to build personal nest eggs. The larger a government becomes, the less the people in government care about the citizens and tax payers. Most democrat politicians no longer even try to hide who they are–hate filled, lying and entitled celebrities who easily get reelected by the people they label as victims and pretend to advocate. These “victims” have been intentionally made dumb through public education with cooperation of the mainstream media. Thes same victims don’t realize that they are slaves and will continue to vote for democrats on the same flawed promisses that just cost more for every body while creating more misery. The worst policies come from democrats. Don’t ever vote for a democrat! The celebrity interviewed in the video claims that the government taxes her gross business income. Like many celebs, this lady doesn’t seem to understand how business works, so she might benefit by by having her books audited independently to make sure she isn’t being cheated by her acountant.

  3. Welcome to the real world. We all go through this BS. But are you getting what you asked for by voting the way you do ??? I didn’t vote for the BS but i have to deal with it to. And then add the BS that iam racist cause the color of one’s shin. Try making a difference by voting for them that are saying they can help, not just cause you always voted one way. You can see how that’s working out for us all, not just you. Fix it, if it’s not working. It’s that simple.


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