‘The Five’ reacts to Biden’s student loan ‘bribe’



Too bad my sons and daughters served in the military to pay for their college…Joey can you give them their years of service back…F AOC…FJB



  1. Bi & Xi are ruining America. I knew, when Bi (Biden) cheated his way into the presidency, that it was a very bad day for America. Obama was the worst president, until Biden became the White House resident. Anyone, who did any research, would have known that both were losers. If you voted for any of these two the first time, then you were, at best, deluded. Anyone who voted for either, the second time is a traitor. If you don’t like Trump’s personality, GET OVER YOURSELF. Trump kept us safe (no wars), made us stronger (across the board) & also made us energy independent. Biden has destroyed (intentionally) all of this.

  2. Let me get my 2 cents worth in which is all I have left after Bidenomics. This guy has intentionally went against the constitution and the SCOTUS. They voted last year that Joey in 6 to 3 vote couldn’t funds or pay for these students’ loans. However, Joey who thinks he is better than God and no one can touch him, again decided to burden the American taxpayer and have them pay for someone else’s loans, that they have zero benefit from. I mean why should I be saddled with the responsibility to have to pay for someone’s else’s student debt when they can’t even be responsible for their own debts. Hell, we are still paying out money to banks for their unscrupulous lending practices. When does it stop? How about November 5th send his dementia laden a$$ back north forever.

    • Biden/Obama is teaching these “students” that when they make a loan commitment, or any commitment, they do not have to pay back. What a lesson! On the other hand how about giving my four children, now grown and parents, who had to work and get loans for their college education their money back? They had lost their father at young ages and had to work their tuchesses off for their educations. And not to mention that Biden is doing this illegally.

  3. God I loathe that stupid little AOC with every grain of my fiber. Just listening to her popping and snapping trying to string 3 and 4 syllable blinging words together irritates me to death. Her logic is so stupid she should go back to bar tending under her rock. How can NYer’s be so stupid to elect her for a second term shows how gullible they are too!

    • So, AOC – I’m 82 years old and still cannot travel. WOW she is totally unbelievable and Congress still allows her to make decisions for us.

  4. This whole DemocRATic party is so damn corrupt, I wonder why our military has not stepped in and removed these TRAITORS OUT OF OUR GOVENRMENT. all of our military have sworn an oath to DEFEND OUR CONNSITUTION AGAINST ALL ENEMIES FORGEN OR DOMESTIC.
    And boy do we have a bunch of domestic traitors in the SENATE,AND IN THE WHITE HOUSE.

  5. I worked and went to school at night. I paid for it. I also paid for my children and grands. I don’t want to pay for free loaders.

  6. If the economy is so great why can’t these people pay their own way?I worked a full and a part time job to put my kids thru pharmacy school.worst thing is,wr are paying these kids to vote for bidum.fook Joe Biden and kamattress Harris

  7. I wouldn’t let AOC lance a boil on my left b-ttcheek. I had a Dr. In the service who had started to perform a vasectomy on a soldier. He was washed, shaved. painted, draped and sliced open. His family jewels were literally on the table. Dr left,went home early. Fortunately the officer who ran the hospital was a Dr and not a paper pusher. Sewed him up, put him in an ambulance to Landsthul hospital to see a urologist who performed the procedure. AOC pining to go back to school to become a Doctor makes as much sense as letting her mix an alcoholic beverage. She was a Bartender wasn’t She?


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