The Military REJECTED Orders Under Donald Trump, It Was A Soft Coup



I have zero faith in the president. Zero in the congress. Zero in the senate. Zero in the supreme court. Zero in the military. Zero in the media. Zero in local government. Zero in local courts. Zero in local police. Zero in any elections. It just gets worse

As a member of the military, we do not disobey the Commander and Chief, our leadership does. Eventually there will be a clear line between obeying our chain of command or doing what we know is right.


  1. The problem is that now we have a bunch of suck asses running the military hiding out in their cushy pentagon office. These people never had to command anyone in combat. They’re all fakes with medals they didn’t earn. These are the kinds of leaders who get fragged if their chickenshit asses every showed up on the battlefield. It’s with brown nosing suck asses like these who get us into Viet Nam style wars and won’t let the G.I.s that do the fighting and dying win a war. The mentor for General Millie is George A. Custer, not George S. Patton.

  2. Not to mention Austin! It’s all about BLM and Woke and the Gays. I come from a strong Military family, and we had strong leaders then. In these times with what is going on, we need strong military leaders, but we don’t have that at the moment. That black Muslim Barack Obama should never have been President and not one term but 2 terms in the WH. How did he get there and who did what for him to be there. He encouraged BLM to insult our Police men and women with disrespect and defunding them. That’s why crime is up, not to mention they are all black. Nobody wants to mention that because it’s like they say racist. The truth is the truth, and we have to stand -up for what is right! This United States is in chaos because everyone is afraid of being deemed racist. I don’t give a dam! Call me whatever, the truth will set you FREE!!

  3. this is where the republicans and conservative fail. the instant any government office does anything counter to the presidents demand he shoudl cut their budget by 40%. if they ask why the answer is simple. if this department is not doing what the president needs done they we do not have a use for them.

    If I were made president I would immediately cut all of the government employment by 50%. I would give employees one option: become border guards with a requirement to turn illegal invaders back at the border by any means necessary including lethal force.


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