The Pope MESSED UP Big Time When He Said This!



So he doesn’t judge homosexuality but he DOES judge Conservatives… Gotcha

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves." -Mathew 7: 15


  1. The pope is a fake. He’s a Marxist sleeper who worked his way up the ranks of the church to pull the wool over the eyes of the faithful low information brainwashed suckers, I.e. sheep to destroy catholicism, and the enlightened people of the west.

  2. This Pope is surrounded by Marxist ideologues who reinforce his own socialist views while sitting on a gilded throne surrounded by courtiers who do his every bidding. He is orchestrating the deconstruction of Catholicism to help “fundamentally alter” the old world order into a Marxist “utopia”. This Pope sees himself as a supreme political leader – a sachem – not a spiritual one.

  3. The “Catholic” church is the only christian denomination that recognize the pope as the “Official Authority of God”…Research the way he was supposedly “elected”…Jusuits were NEVER allowed to become Pope yet his “election” took the shortest time to be elected as Pope as a Jesuit!…MOST take-overs are short and to the point!

  4. You can’t Bless sin homosexuality is sin 1 Timothy 1:8-10. You can’t go to the Heavenly Father through the pope or an earthly priest. Jesus Christ is the only way John 14:6. The head of my church is Jesus Christ. The word became flesh yes his name is Jesus Christ. He died for all and he rose again. If you want to find out more about who is read the Bible. God is still on the Thorn. The Pope said it is okay to bless sin and God hates sin but he still loves the sinner.

  5. The Pope well lets see, he’s male, human, who is for gays, homosexuals, allows for abortion, is antizemetic, he seems to not understand the Bible. But millions of people trust him for their beliefs. Maybe it’s time to find a new pope who follows the Bible and not the crazy ideas going on right now. The pope needs to have moral values, and follow the religion.

  6. The Pope is delusional, at best, & totally out of touch with the Bible; & all the teachings of Christianity. God is the supreme leader of the Christian church; & the Pope is nothing.

  7. I knew this pope was a Marxist from day 1.he is a sneaky lying anti Christian snake.hd can’t go fast enough for me


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