The Ray Epps situation just got weirder.



We must never forget WHO coerced the children for use as shields to temporarily and marginally “protect” adults.,,

Make America sane again!!!!2024


  1. Ray Epps is proof the capital take over was a FBI/DC police/Pelosi/Schiff/Milley activity.

    The entire FBI needs to be in prison. Milley, pelosi, and schiff need to be in prison for life.

    Ray Epps was the capital take over instigator and trump needs to sue him for every cent trump has spent on lawyers over the last three years.

  2. He’s a fbi agent, they can say what they want but he’s still one of them. He’s just another hunter biden as far as the law go’s. Yall heard Pelosi say no one is above the law. and here’s the proof that the democrats and their pets are. While the same people he lead into the capital are still in Federal prison this ray erpp gos free with a slap on the hand. But then he’s a fbi agent so …..

    • I can assure you that he will not pay the fines either. that money will come out of the FBI slush fund and be paid in cash.

  3. Anyone who claims trump instigated the Jan 6th event and does not believe the Ray Epps was a major factor is a delusional fool.

    you can only drawn one of three conclusions:

    1. Ray Epps was working for trump to insight the capital break in
    2. Ray Epps was working for pelosi, schiff, and the FBI to insight the capital break in.
    3. Ray Epps was personally in-sighting the capital break in

    With conclusions 1 and 3 we have to assume, based on other people present treatment, Ray Epps would be in prison now for 20 years. The is what the FBI and DOJ is doing to people.

    That means the only possible conclusion that makes any sense give Ray Epps treatment is: Ray Epps was working for pelosi, schiff, and the FBI to insight the capital break in.

    Given that conclusion makes sense it also means Ray Epps is proof pelosi, schiff, and the FBI planned and actively executed the capital break in.

    Why are they working so hard to lock trump up? because a whole lot of people are going to prison if trump wins.

    • If ignorant people were not allowed to vote. If our voting was not so corrupt. If this country was not so corrupt from some local governments the whole way to the supreme court, yes President Trump would still be in the White House and the criminals who are against real patriotic Americans would be in jail. If we could kick all the rino’s out of office that would be a big help. If the majority of Republicans would do their job, which is not getting rich or just staying in office but working for the people. We can only hope at this point!!

  4. If ignorant people were not allowed to vote. If our voting was not so corrupt. If this country was not so corrupt from some local governments the whole way to the supreme court, yes President Trump would still be in the White House and the criminals who are against real patriotic Americans would be in jail. If we could kick all the rino’s out of office that would be a big help. If the majority of Republicans would do their job, which is not getting rich or just staying in office but working for the people. We can only hope at this point!!

  5. If we don’t start watching who we vote into office then more RINOS will surely invade the Republican Party. Take for instance Nickki Haley moving up in the polls only because of the help from the Corrupt Democrat Donors. You want another RINO in office then vote her in. For me it’s time to start weeding them out. Get Trump back in office to find out what really happened Jan6th and continue to drain the stinking DC Swamp. Hopefully we can survive these last several months of the Biden communist regime. God Bless America ❤️????????

  6. EppsPelosi Schiff Jan6, These people were in colusion with others to Frame Trump for the riot With FBI agents or informers in the crowd to insight the riot. I feel all involved should be tried. Pelosi lied to Congress on this. She turned down help then said it was never offered.


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