I’m not special. I’m just an American , and I’m proud to be an American and lucky to have been born here.
I’ve always been curious about why Black Americans have changed their names through history. I always thought they were trying to differentiate themselves from the other Black Americans. Colored people, Negroes, Black, African American, People of Color, and now we’re back to Black Americans. It’s confusing..
I wouldn’t say the term refers to dumb sheep, but it clearly refers to someone who refuses to leave the plantation because they’re unable to take care of themselves. It’s not due to a physical impairment, it’s due to being lazy or lack of self confidence and wanting the dummycrats to take care of the person using the government to keep the African-American in line at the plantation. In other words, the African-American is willingly be enslaved by the dummycrat controlled government plantation.