The View Has HILARIOUS MELTDOWN After Suddenly Realizing Trump is Their President… AGAIN!



If the View melts down or hates it then we are on the right track.

I am pretending “the view” never happened ever!


  1. The View needs to be cancelled. They are horrible women who tell lies and don’t have a sense of humor. I honestly can’t believe they are still on the air. I guess liberals always need someone with whom to commiserate …. let the pain begin!!!!!

    • The only reason The View should be cancelled is low ratings. It’s still free speech no matter how much we hate it. They will sink their own ship in due time.

  2. What happened to Whoopi did she get fired? Most likely because she has an 80 million dollar lawsuit against ABC. Her and the dumb others need to be the ones that have to pay the bill. Surely they will be broke and no longer have a job at ABC. Sunny is without a doubt the dumbest of them all she is a lawyer and should know better than to run off at the mouth. So much for her being their legal footnote.

  3. I have been working with the IRS for almost 55 years. In the past several years, when I mail the IRS anything, I pay for tracking. The IRS is more than 75% DEI candidates. Not only do they not go to their offices 97% of the time, they don’t even bother to pick up their mail. I’ve got mail sitting in several USPS waiting to be picked up by someone at the IRS, and this hasn’t changed since before Christmas. Please DOGE, get rid of 75% of the IRS employees/officials. I have written to and faxed the letter to the IRS General Counsel, and she doesn’t go to her office, read her mail or respond. Please eliminate the waste starting at the top.

  4. Most of the IRS employees could not hold a job with a company that expected them to work and do their job. All i have seen are the kind that get these govt jobs are the ones with no work ethics at all…. Ive got hope our real President Donald J Trump fixes this work problem of IRS employees


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