They told her she could NOT have a private server. Then, when the judge ordered her emails turned over, she destroyed them instead. Anyone else would be in prison!
Look at Bill Clinton’s face and the smirk he has is a natural look for him. He’s done this his whole life. Both him and Hildabeast are perpetual liars, it’s who they are. Their deceit has gotten them out of tight circumstances so far and now they have no choice but to continue with it. The truth should reveal its ugly head about the Clintons so our country and the world will know just what they are. Would love to see them get punished.
Yo, Slick Willie! Define “is.” Killary should be in jail for her lies regarding Benghazi and for her endangerment of the staff at the embassy. You did everything you could? BS! You killed 400+ Cubans on your FIRST DAY in office.
Bill Clinton could not tell the truth if you put a gun to his head!
The biggest scumbag in the history of the world. Can’t wait for the Epstein list Bill, and you were on his plane 43 times!!!!!!!!!!
Bill looks wonderful for a dead man.
Look at Bill Clinton’s face and the smirk he has is a natural look for him. He’s done this his whole life. Both him and Hildabeast are perpetual liars, it’s who they are. Their deceit has gotten them out of tight circumstances so far and now they have no choice but to continue with it. The truth should reveal its ugly head about the Clintons so our country and the world will know just what they are. Would love to see them get punished.
Yo, Slick Willie! Define “is.” Killary should be in jail for her lies regarding Benghazi and for her endangerment of the staff at the embassy. You did everything you could? BS! You killed 400+ Cubans on your FIRST DAY in office.