THIS will DESTROY Biden’s re-election campaign | Lara Logan Exclusive



Lara Logan is one of the Most Brilliant, Brave and Beautiful Investigative Journalists in the World.

Absolutely sickening. What is happening to the USA.


    • Absolutely agree, as do millions of us. We must vote for Trump. This maniac Joe Biden has got to go. One last thing, Trump would absolutely not stand for any notions of a cease fire for an organization who beheads babies, shoots women in their breasts and genitals after raping them then beheading them. Or shooting little children in their beds and on and on and on. This Hamas is worse than the Nazi Concentration Camp thugs and they must be eliminated. Biden is a whimp who does nothing but play to his voting block of liberals. It is disgusting and there is no cease fire with Hamas.

  1. It’s funny to me that anyone could support Biden and not be looked at by everyone else as a accomplice, compitulator, and responsible. I for one am sucks and tired of people like whoppie and hiliray getting away with threatening conservatives. What is this 1938 Germany? It must be because the president of the United States of America has repeatedly called his political opposition fascist when in reality they are the Nazis…

  2. Biden (and company) should be Impeached for his Breach of Trust/ Duty, to the People, with his Deliberate Indifference to the Rights of the Citizens.

    Their Right to have their Laws Enforced- not ceasing the letter and intent of those laws.

    This is far, far more than a misdemeanor; more so along the lines of High Crime involving Bribery and TREASON! IMHO

  3. LET us all pray to solve many problems that confront us. WE have stopped showing love with our neighbors let alone our own family members. We are ready to condemn many people without looking into ourselves if we are also sinners. We have many people now who do not believe that there is a God that watches us. PRAYERS are very powerful to solve many personal problems. Our common problem is to look over another shoulder and condemn them. if each one of us will respect others, problems will be easily solved,now many condemn others without even having the experience of solving their own problems. MAY THE HOLY SPIRIT enlighten each one of us and learn to love one another and be less critical on making judgements.

  4. California is virtually in control of National votes, meaning they can sway the popular vote and potentially determine who wins an election. We should start by cutting them off from the rest of the country. Then get rid of NY. Better yet, why not separate our country into two countries, the Red and the Blue. And if Arizona doesn’t decide on which side they’re on, I’m moving to Florida.

  5. If all politicians swear to uphold the constitution why does congress and all politicians pass laws every day to restrict our movement of what & where we can go or do. Government does not work never did never will.

    • You are correct, which is why the Bible tells us that it does not belong to man who is walking to even direct his step. Just his step, so how is some government of the people and by the people ever going to work? History is full of examples of how that has worked out and it ain’t a pretty story.

  6. I don’t understand why people are even questioning the reason for the border crisis when there is a video from 2015 of biden and mayorkas talking how they would open the border to thousands/millions of illegal immigrants!! I have shared this video to different groups and politicians, hoping that it would be picked up by conservative media.

  7. JUST a friendly reminder for all of us. PRAYERS ARE more effective than printing profanity. We have never walked on the shoes of our leaders nor may be not even lead a small group of people or manage a small family business venture. We are so inclined to be hypercritical of others and yet cannot see our own shortcomings. MAY THE HOLY SPIRIT GIVE US SOME LIGHT TO DISCIPHER WHAT IS GOOD AND EVIL!


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