It’s all lies, that’s what the democrats are all about. They can’t tell the truth of anything. It would show the dirtiest side of their party. Like evil the democrats live on illusions, lies and deception. This alone tells all the democrats did in 4 years. Drag shows in schools, gender BS for kids, open borders, terrorists they support like blm, antfia and now the palestines BS in our country. Why are all these terrorists here in the usa destroying our country when they should be fighting in their own country’s. And saddest part is all the stupid people who still belive in the democrat way of life. Guess they can’t see the damage done or just won’t. Either way their part of the problem, not the solution. Times are tuff and we need tuff men who can get the job done. And the democrats 15 minutes of fake fame are up. Either we sink , or learn to swim. I suggest learing to swim. While you can !!!
It’s all lies, that’s what the democrats are all about. They can’t tell the truth of anything. It would show the dirtiest side of their party. Like evil the democrats live on illusions, lies and deception. This alone tells all the democrats did in 4 years. Drag shows in schools, gender BS for kids, open borders, terrorists they support like blm, antfia and now the palestines BS in our country. Why are all these terrorists here in the usa destroying our country when they should be fighting in their own country’s. And saddest part is all the stupid people who still belive in the democrat way of life. Guess they can’t see the damage done or just won’t. Either way their part of the problem, not the solution. Times are tuff and we need tuff men who can get the job done. And the democrats 15 minutes of fake fame are up. Either we sink , or learn to swim. I suggest learing to swim. While you can !!!