Trump SPEAKS OUT After FAILED Assassination As Liberal Media Warns Of Violence From Trump Supporters



Hey Joe you dont seem to mind your justice dept going after your opponents


  1. oh big shocker…I thought it was the republicans who were your big GUN toters! I hope the Democrats take accountability because their constant hate campaign against ..really what is just another candidate..has achieved the desired results on their weak-minded followers. The Dems have, for the last eight years waged a hate campaign against a man who’s only real crime has been trying to fix this broken mess of a country..The Dems don’t want it fixed and when Trump was actually elected..they went interfered with their plan. So, they took this to a whole new level…hatred…. Has anyone ever seen the government go after a politician like this before ..ever in history).. purposely lying, trying to discredit, falsifying records and vilifying another human being for their own egotistical and self-serving agenda. Using the FBI and CIA for their own agenda. Because we know the Dems don’t want any of the horrible things going on in this country fixed..theyve worked too hard to make it this way. Wake up people… does anyone in America fail to realize that what the democratic politicians in this country have been allowed to do to Trump can also be turned on them if they dare to upset the Democratic saviors of our country! Were in scary territory right now…these people represent “We the People” or do they. We pay them to represent us and uphold the constitution but somehow its turned and now they represent themselves and they want to change the constitution….I’m not surprised because they want it changed to suit themselves. I heard one of the dem big wigs say that yes, we have freedom of speech under the constitution, but it should not include politicians..people should be banned from saying anything bad about elected officials……….WHAT!!! And, how can almost every elected official in DC , especially ones who didn’t come with family money wind up with millions of dollars in their bank accounts, when they’re on salaries of about 174K a year… I make the same and have issues just living modestly and paying property taxes,. groceries, house and car payments etc..I do not have millions in the bank and 3 or 4 houses ….Biden has a house in St. Croix USVI and has for years….and he’s not the only one. This isn’t about what’s best for the country any more…it’s become about what’s best for the leaders of the democratic party or any politician who thinks they’re above the law.

  2. Sorry but I don’t trust the FBI or CIA to investigate this, I have no confidence in either, feel investigate should be done by a third countries security agency, letting the FBI do it is like asking the fox to ck the hen house door to see it it’s locked. Always been a question of the CIA and the Kennedy assassination, and the FBI’s role in the trump investigations

  3. The left is the only side that has promoted violence
    Soros son Alex
    J-6 committee

  4. Obama is the person that divided the Country and Biden is doing the same thing. We True Americans must rally around President Trump and stop this Violence and Corruption.

  5. So, this guy donated $15 to a Democrat support organization, then tried to kill a former President.
    By Democrat logic, that makes him a domestic terrorist and the Democrat organization he supported an existential threat to American democracy

  6. None of the liberal left will not admit to being wrong or admit to acts of violence against conservative republicans or anyone that doesn’t agree with their ideology. They have an agenda to push for and succeed to achieve their goals of power and control over our country. Multi billionaires have what they call a New (One) World Order that will totally change our country as we know it. It will take away our freedoms and our rights to live or own anything even though we have paid for them. Our paychecks will be confiscated by them and we will be given a certain amount, like we weren’t responsible enough to budget our own money. Who in the hell wants to live like that? I sure as hell don’t want to!! The leftist democrats are a joke and a disgrace to our society and can never be in power because every time they get elected they ruin everything they touch. The attempt on President Trump’s life shows how desperate the liberal left is and this just pissed us off even more.

  7. Trump screamed it best (three times) after being “shot at” —- FIGHT!!, FIGHT!, FIGHT!!! …. I mean what was up with that ?!?

    He must have thought he was back in Washington (during the Insurrection attempt). And the crowd “cheered” him??

    I’m getting a bad feeling for the future of our nation. 🙁

  8. We are in deep trouble because we allow hatred to dwell within us, in our families, communities, states and whole nation. We have stopped to be following the simple commandment of love thy neighbor We are easy to cast blame on others and yet cease to see how we inflame others with our rush judgement without waiting for the real facts to come out. IT IS easy for us to look at others’ seemingly faults but never see what we do contribute to the bad events at hand. WE criticize people whose jobs we have never done, we forgot that we have to learn patience, love and humility to be easy with our judgements on how others do the jobs that we never had. ONE CANNOT never understand how to be a DEAN of a college of nursing if one has never been a nurse let alone with a degree to administer a college of nursing. PLEASE let us go back to the universal commandment of love thy neighbor. MAY EVERY ONE has a blessed Sunday and may the HOLY SPIRIT ENLIGHTEN US SO THAT PEACE WILL REIGN!

  9. Shocker: The Democrats and media calling Trump Hitler are hypocrites. Nancy Pelosi is the actual daughter of Hitler. Barak Obama is the actual grandson of Hitler. There are several more that are directly related to Hitler. Stop calling Trump the “former” President. He is the real, legal President of the United States Republic and the existing Commander in Chief. We are now finding out the Democrats were behind the shooting which hasn’t made it to the public quite yet. I also think that this was an act of retribution by the Democrats for the J6 so-called “Insurrection”, committing their own brand of insurrection that they are now guilty of. Mayorkas was asked to increase the secret service people for Trump and denied that. He also needs to be questioned for this travesty and punished. At the time of DePape’s smashing Paul Pelosi in the head is also not entirely true. Paul Pelosi was arrested before that and taken to Gitmo where he is spending life in prison. Nancy Pelosi was executed at 10:07 EST at Gitmo on 12/27/22. The media are all saying what they are told to say, not the truth. What makes them experts anyway? Nothing is as it seems. We are looking into the looking glass and watching a crazy movie. To me, it is the Democrats that do not want love, peace, or allowing humans to live a good life. They want it all for themselves. They also forgot that they work for us. WE are THEIR employers. We don’t work for them. The Democrats have abused the word “democracy” to mean what they want it to mean. First, we are a Republic, not a Democracy. Second, Democracy means: For the people by the people. They turn it into: For Democrats by Democrats, For Senate by Senate. For Biden, by Biden, For Obama by Obama, and For Hillary by Hillary. That is treason.

  10. screw the radical left scumbags!! This was 100% orchestrated…promoted….condoned….by the losers on the left. You all SUCK!

  11. I just heard the director of the secret service say that officers were not stationed on the roof that the would-be assassin used because the roof pitch was too steep. This info comes from a conversation passed on via a national news show. What a load of crap! Other officers were on roofs at Trumps rally. Just how gullible do they think we are? I’ve been on many metal roofs and was never in danger of sliding off unless there was ice or frost present.


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