Trump UNLEASHES BRUTAL TRUTH Campaign Ads Against Kamala Harris IMMEDIATELY After Biden DROPS OUT!



A 3-year-old is more intelligent than Kamala Harris and can hold a better conversation.

Kackala Harris is a PERFECT example of why you should never choose someone based only on race and gender.


  1. Do we really need four more years of correct pronouns, celebrating transgenders in women’s sports, in our kid’s schools, in their libraries, tearing down historic statues, renaming schools and streets after serial thugs, vilifying our founding fathers, supporting reparations, feminizing the milifairy, allowing in more illegal aliens, terrorists and Somalis and playing the race card.”

    • you could do what the founders and Jesus said to do, and separate from the over taxation and abuses like other Americans did. but no, THAT would require a spine and a set of gonads on REAL MEN, like the ones that lived in 1776 & 1861. Where are they today? a 2nd amendment is useless to a coward….

  2. Every democrat is falling in love with Kamala and just fawning over her. Here is a little fact for you who have short memories. The democrat base was screaming last March 2023 for Joey to through her a$$ off of the ticket. WOW WHAT A DIFFERENCE A YEAR MAKES. MY QUESTION TO ALL OF YOU BAND WAGON JUMPERS, WHAT THE HELL HAS SHE DONE AS VP TO QUALIFY TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT? She SHIRKED HER DUTIES AT THE BORDER. SHE LOVES YELLOW SCHOOL BUSES AND IF YOU HAPPEN TO BE IN EAR RANGE OF HER SHE WILL MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A KINDERGARDNER WHEN SHE TALKS TO YOU. But the only assignment that Joey gives her in 4 years and she failed to respond, so why is she so special.

    • she/it was bold enough to call Joey out for being a LIFE LONG racist, before he ever went senile…. She/it is NOT black. She/it is a half breed, just like barry boy obama.

  3. If we want to talk about bandwagon jumpers we don’t have to go too far in the Republican campaign either as JD Vance said some really awful and hateful things about Trump in the past and now he’s his running mate. It happens on both sides. let’s be realistic.

  4. Trump goes off on Kamala?
    he could have saved the advertising money we have all witnessed her incompetence and word salads, she couldn’t run a craft sale let alone a country


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