We all know Biden family is crooked..the democrats say there is no proof once again that’s lie…..my advice to the Republicans in charge of this investigation..you have what you need already just impeach his ass all of them stop playing around.let face it if them democrats had this much evidence on trump he would be in prison..
Stop and do your job impeach his ass
Marine Who Cares, I agree with your comment. Biden besides being impeached he should face charges that should be cause for prison. Biden has skated for 50+ years getting away with this and being in bed with China, these are all laws being violated by this bastard and it needs to stop now. The liberal left had this plan to use this idiot to destroy our country and so far their plan is going as planned. Obama is getting his third term through Biden and they all are fat, dumb and happy (sort of speak) money and power wise. This has to stop and our country needs to be saved.
Both, PurePurple and Marine Who Cares, have good points. The problem is that the republicans only control the House. Even if every republican in the House voted to impeach stupid old senile poopypants Joe the effort would die in the dummycrat controlled senate. With the justice system filled with unqualified dummycrat judges, the corrupt dummycrat politicians will never face the punishment they deserve, which is a firing squad armed with flamethrowers. If the republicans could get full control of the government, laws could be passed to prevent this madness from going any further and dummycrat judges could be fired. But that’s a long shot since the dummycrats have been cheating in elections since 1960 and in 2020 they pulled off the biggest election theft in history. That alone should’ve been grounds to start a second civil war. Could the 2024 election be the tipping point? We’ll have to wait and see, but the dummycrats are planning a much more bolder election theft for 2024. People either have to rise up and fight back or except future living in a communist country, the USSA. Can’t expect a handful of super patriots to do all the work. They’ll be swept aside. It will take entire states rising up against the tyrannical Marxist dummycrat controlled government.
Would not cooking then shooting to make sure they were dead cause them more pain?, if they die from being shot they will never experience their much deserved pain.
The only reason why why does that being in PG because he’s paying everybody off we know the Democrats are crooked they believe in slavery communism, and they’re also racist. They’re not for this country they’re not for the people they want their way of life back like they had it before the Civil War it’s Time America to wake up and open your eyes. and ears it’s time to impeach the president put them in jail and even the people that they paid to be on their side it’s time to get rid of them and let’s make America strong and great again let’s do this now before they create a Civil War and which is what they want
In regards to standard of living and the economy the Globalists did cease complete control of that until 1913 when the Federal Reserve was established.
A paltry check written out to the amount of $200,000, seriously, c’mon man the Bidens have extorted and received infinitely more money than that from foreign governments and corporations.
Time for Garland to extensively investigate the Biden’s foreign bank accounts and Shell companies.
Consider that that was merely his share of 1 of numerous dealings with foreign companies possibly from nations where the people which completely hate us True Patriots of the United States because of what they have been told by their government administrators for decades which means their current and former administrators hate or hated us even more than their loyal subjects do or had.
Even if those foreigners who have investments in that respective nation’s corporations does not hate us True Patriots they were not going to turn down a good deal in regards to corrupt U.S. politicians to use their influence to either keep them out of jail for corrupt business deals or make them more money.
In the 3rd reign of Obama just as during his 1st and 2nd reign the foreign government is told if you want charity from the people of the United States you will do as I say.
We all know Biden family is crooked..the democrats say there is no proof once again that’s lie…..my advice to the Republicans in charge of this investigation..you have what you need already just impeach his ass all of them stop playing around.let face it if them democrats had this much evidence on trump he would be in prison..
Stop and do your job impeach his ass
Marine Who Cares, I agree with your comment. Biden besides being impeached he should face charges that should be cause for prison. Biden has skated for 50+ years getting away with this and being in bed with China, these are all laws being violated by this bastard and it needs to stop now. The liberal left had this plan to use this idiot to destroy our country and so far their plan is going as planned. Obama is getting his third term through Biden and they all are fat, dumb and happy (sort of speak) money and power wise. This has to stop and our country needs to be saved.
Both, PurePurple and Marine Who Cares, have good points. The problem is that the republicans only control the House. Even if every republican in the House voted to impeach stupid old senile poopypants Joe the effort would die in the dummycrat controlled senate. With the justice system filled with unqualified dummycrat judges, the corrupt dummycrat politicians will never face the punishment they deserve, which is a firing squad armed with flamethrowers. If the republicans could get full control of the government, laws could be passed to prevent this madness from going any further and dummycrat judges could be fired. But that’s a long shot since the dummycrats have been cheating in elections since 1960 and in 2020 they pulled off the biggest election theft in history. That alone should’ve been grounds to start a second civil war. Could the 2024 election be the tipping point? We’ll have to wait and see, but the dummycrats are planning a much more bolder election theft for 2024. People either have to rise up and fight back or except future living in a communist country, the USSA. Can’t expect a handful of super patriots to do all the work. They’ll be swept aside. It will take entire states rising up against the tyrannical Marxist dummycrat controlled government.
Would not cooking then shooting to make sure they were dead cause them more pain?, if they die from being shot they will never experience their much deserved pain.
Thank you for your service, Oorah and Semper fi.
The only reason why why does that being in PG because he’s paying everybody off we know the Democrats are crooked they believe in slavery communism, and they’re also racist. They’re not for this country they’re not for the people they want their way of life back like they had it before the Civil War it’s Time America to wake up and open your eyes. and ears it’s time to impeach the president put them in jail and even the people that they paid to be on their side it’s time to get rid of them and let’s make America strong and great again let’s do this now before they create a Civil War and which is what they want
In regards to standard of living and the economy the Globalists did cease complete control of that until 1913 when the Federal Reserve was established.
I do not know that got phrased that way, it should have read the Globalists took standard of living and the economy in 1913.
A paltry check written out to the amount of $200,000, seriously, c’mon man the Bidens have extorted and received infinitely more money than that from foreign governments and corporations.
Time for Garland to extensively investigate the Biden’s foreign bank accounts and Shell companies.
Consider that that was merely his share of 1 of numerous dealings with foreign companies possibly from nations where the people which completely hate us True Patriots of the United States because of what they have been told by their government administrators for decades which means their current and former administrators hate or hated us even more than their loyal subjects do or had.
Even if those foreigners who have investments in that respective nation’s corporations does not hate us True Patriots they were not going to turn down a good deal in regards to corrupt U.S. politicians to use their influence to either keep them out of jail for corrupt business deals or make them more money.
In the 3rd reign of Obama just as during his 1st and 2nd reign the foreign government is told if you want charity from the people of the United States you will do as I say.
Not good President but knows how to use our money