When you realize it’s all A SCAM



Thats why millions of Americans want the MAGA mentality. FJB

Estrogen poisoning in Boston politics.
As a conservative American, lifelong Massachusetts resident, born in Boston, I say to democrats:
You voted for this! It’s all your fault this is happening. Own it! You broke it!


  1. the simple solution is to send them back to their home country.

    You all thought you were being cool by poo pooing the conservatives who were telling you this woudl happen for your. you ignored the plight the Texas has been going through for most of a century. your were fools. You democrats all played the virtue signalling game and now it has bit you in the ass.

    Solution: stop voting democrats.

  2. how true it is … send those invaders back to where they came from . all they bring is crime and disease across the border .. our health care system is overwhelmed .. stop this invasion .

  3. News flash democrats. You voted for this. You set yourself up as sanctuary cities and now you’re crying because all the benefits that your city has for its citizens are now going to illegals who don’t deserve it and leaving all of you behind to tend to people who should be arrested for breaking the law.

  4. The MA Governor’s choice was made years ago, when the state of MA declared its sanctuary state status! You made your bed, no lie in it! You don’t want all these illegal aliens taking taxpayer dollars? MA legislature has the choice to stop this, and you have the choice to sign law! Don’t say you have no choice! Honor your state and US Constitutions. Don’t walk on these documents. If you don’t change your social posturing, you will less tax dollars to give these invaders because the residents of MA are going to do the same as California residents and leave the state for more suitable socialized management. Stand up and do what is right!


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