White House Dem Arrested Impersonating Trump Voters & Committing Hate Crimes



They love keeping racism alive.

Typical cheating democrat. They are so desperate.


  1. This scum bag is what “all” the dems are! He belongs in jail with a huge fine and lessons on civil service duty to those he offended, (even if he wasn’t sworn in with an oath of office!!!)… as an example to those who don’t know what integrity is, what morals are, what common decency is, what ethics are, what character is, what honor is, what honesty is, what principles are, what trust is, what respect is, what values are, what virtues are, what respect is that is absolutely mandatory…. not just in being a good neighbor, friend or fellow American, but essential and demanded to “service”…that’s service…. inside our government’s highest offices… you know, what America was founded on!!!!!!

  2. “Democrats have used trained provocateurs to instigate violence at Republican events nationwide throughout the 2016 election cycle, including at several Donald Trump rallies, using a tactic called “bird-dogging,” according to a new video investigation released Monday by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas. The goal of “bird-dogging”: to create a sense of “anarchy” around Donald Trump that would undermine his political support. Often, the tactic uses the most vulnerable people — including the elderly and disabled — to maximize shock value.”

    “Our members are bird dogging Republican candidates in character all over the country. They dress up as execs from “RepubliCorp” a not-so-fictitious merger between the Republican party and multi-national corporations and go to events. “We got a great hit last night at the Boehner event. Made broadcast television, and was pitch perfect on message.”

    WIKI LEAKS exposes the vile corruption of the DNC, Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.https://wikileaks DOT org/podesta-emails/emailid/3833

  3. WAKE UP and AMMO UP!
    THEY want our kids, our elections, our firearms, our freedoms, our freedom of religion and they will stop at nothing to achieve those goals.

    Will you let them??


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