When history is studied – and known – aren’t all people related to Adam and Eve (according to the Bible) and weren’t they dark skinned (look where every single study says the Garden of Eden was located) – the people in that area of the earth were not “white”. And… Seriously…
Where in the world has anyone EVER, EVER, EVER seen a BLACK OR A WHITE person? REALLY?? I would say… Stop in insanity. We are all ONE.
What the hell does it matter if a person is black or white? Who the hell gives a flying monkeys ass? All of us are human beings, color means nothing. People who make a big deal over this are ones who have no life.
88% of my DNA is European haplotypes and only 2% is Berber, Tuareg, and Moor.
But, they never repealed the “One-Drop Rule” so . . . . . .
This is a rarity.
My DNA is also from all over Europe but I was born in the United States of America so I am an American.
You got that right, we are all American if we were born here.
When history is studied – and known – aren’t all people related to Adam and Eve (according to the Bible) and weren’t they dark skinned (look where every single study says the Garden of Eden was located) – the people in that area of the earth were not “white”. And… Seriously…
Where in the world has anyone EVER, EVER, EVER seen a BLACK OR A WHITE person? REALLY?? I would say… Stop in insanity. We are all ONE.
What the hell does it matter if a person is black or white? Who the hell gives a flying monkeys ass? All of us are human beings, color means nothing. People who make a big deal over this are ones who have no life.
That part! Drop the mic
Why can’t she be black? Anything goes today.
WELL, they say Jesus was white????
They’re probably on welfare also