Will New George Floyd Autopsy Evidence Bring Derek Chauvin Retrial? W/ Jonna Spilbor & Arthur Aidala



Imagine if the black community didn’t glorify the worst people in the black community and instead held up their best as people to emulate. What a different world we’d have, at least here in our cities.

Justice in the US doesn’t seem to exist anymore. That’s a concern for us all.


  1. It may have been wrong for what Derek did to George, but George was NOT an upstanding pillar of his community. He was just a drug crazed woman beater. If Derek wouldn’t have killed George, someone else would’ve. Those woman who have been beaten up by George most likely have a brother that won’t put up with that crap. The ONLY reason the black community in Minniescrotum praises George is because it was a white cop who killed him. They wouldn’t have cared if it was the brother of one of those beaten up women that killed George.

  2. It was a golden moment for the Radical elite democrat left strategy to change the world. George Floyd was black; poor; drug addict and appeared to be killed by a white cop! The perfect storm that afflicted the whole Country. Yes, I believe upon the “real evidence” that was know at “that time” and has finally come to light warrants a new Trial for Derek Chauvin who was put in jail on a “false pretense” for 20 years.

  3. I worked with and know several Blacks none showed any interest in Floyd the media created the illusion that Floyd was a innocent misunderstood thug the Floyd family received a 28 million dollar settlement for his murder of which their lawyer Crump a well known ambulance chaser was paid at least 20% the rest went to the family who are probably broke by now


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