WOKE Teacher BREAKS DOWN IN TEARS As He FACES GETTING Fired For Letting Girl Students Braid His Hair



Yeah he’s supposed to be teaching the kids not record the students doing his hair and nails

Rule #1: They are NOT YOUR children. Full Stop
Have we not seen just how predatory some teachers are over the last few years because they can't help but expose themselves on social media?
Keep your hands to yourself, do the job that you were hired to do and there won't be a problem.


  1. I take the opposite view – I remember a time in school when teachers weren’t afraid to bond with students – to build rapport which encourages learning and teaches respect for others. What have our schools become and what are we teaching our children. It’s a travesty to make the assumption that this teacher could be ‘grooming’ children. How do you think the children involved will feel if their teacher is fired because of a simple act of kindness?

    • I agree. In another time this would be harmless, even a positive way to bond with students. American thinking has devolved into a pattern where opinion without the validation of knowledge and wisdom is THE driving social engine. What we’re witnessing now is the chaotic collapse of American society. Where it will end is completely unpredictable.

      There is no longer any trust in our institutions. Without trust there can be no order unless it’s achieved at the point of a gun. Those who advocate for a ” …fundamental transformation of America” would do well to remember the immutable “Law of Unintended Consequences “. Nufsed.

  2. Wouldn’t this be comparable to an executive asking an office assistant or secretary to darn socks or sew on a button or make breakfast?

  3. I disagree. They are students there to learn, but not cosmetology. A teacher should be teaching them how to read, write, math, history, geography, etc. but not groom his or her teacher. How do you think their parents will feel if their children can’t read or write. And do they know who invented the telephone, or lights, or thousands of other things we take for granted each day? Do they know who and why men and women fought to make America the greatest country in the world?

  4. It seems harmless enough, but in today’s crazy world everything is suspect. Today one can be accused of sedition if one wears a red baseball cap. Cancel Cultists should be wary. The immutable “Law of Unintended Consequences” is ALWAYS in play. Change is ALWAYS a multi edged blade. It cuts in ways one can never predict.

  5. He is a FREAK and WEIRDO!!!!
    He’s not even teaching. Unless he has a PHD in hair. Which shouldn’t matter. He’s there to teach BASICS!!!
    NUFSAID. Probably teaching EBONICS as well. Which we all know how well that does.

  6. The father who would allow your girls to paint his nails, fix his hair, apply makeup, bless your heart for being a good father; however YOU ARE MISSING THE ENTIRE POINT! School is for learning and not filming juveniles on camera participating in a service for the teacher. Who gave the teacher permission to film JUVENILES for his Social Media Site? Is his servicing activity happen during lunch (Not legal), recess (not legal), etc.? Shame on you for not thinking that something is inherently wrong with this activity.


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