Why do they ALWAYS post their running away from home and don’t try to stop messages, when in truth their families can’t wait to change the locks after they’re gone?
She’s in a cult.
Why do they ALWAYS post their running away from home and don’t try to stop messages, when in truth their families can’t wait to change the locks after they’re gone?
She’s in a cult.
What a freaking butt-wad she is!!! Her family and our country will be better without her.
Why are are we concerned with wanting to make her happy? If she wants to be unhappy—So be it. It doesn’t make me sad for her to be unhappy. Matter of fact, it makes me happier.
She is mentally ill, and so is her husband. I feel sorry for their daughters. Why do these weirdos feel the need to broadcast their sickness to the world? The ones that want you dead are the WEF and the NWO which your democrats fully support. You must get your news from Rachel Madcow.
Again, the crazed eyes. They don’t even have to open their mouths.
I saw the eyes too. I didn’t even watch the video. These people have problems that Walmart can’t cure. I’m firmly convinced that only property owners should be allowed to vote. That would eliminate most that are in the slums and un-educated areas like Baltimore. They love being on the plantation, no matter what you try to explain to the,. More money is spent on Education in Baltimore than any other city in the country. But none of them can spell their names when they get that “worthless” diploma. So you already know where math, english and science are. DOWN THE DRAIN. And the state just about double home owner taxes and is now looking to steal more money from us. How about pink slips in state jobs that are just sucking our cash from us.
Quick, call 911 to have her committed to an insane asylum.
Just another Psycho please leave the country and go somewhere anywhere else.