You’re Stuck With Him” – Obama



Why are Obama and Clinton even still involved??!!! Get lost already!!! Just go away!!!!!

Why is Obama allowed to be there making decisions? His 2 terms are over.


  1. Ever seen a criminal quit committing crimes? Well, you won’t see Xiden stepping down either! His criminal family depends on his remaining in the white house so they can avoid criminal prosecution. It’s disgusting that his own family are elder abusers……but, that’s the plantation for you!

  2. and why the left is so opposed to the death penalty. They believe killing the felon will NOT keep him from committing more crimes. Just like the believe 2+2=5 and men can get pregnant and have babies. They are loony, crazy, out of their minds, and should be separated from the population, like IT use to be….. Restore the republic of We the People !

  3. The CIA runs the Deep State. The CIA infiltrated the White House more than 100 years ago. George Bush, Sr. went from head of CIA to president. Wake up, morons. Obama, formerly Barry Soetoro, is the son and grandson of three heavy duty CIA operatives. They are making billions off America. When Trump was in office, he only appointed CIA operatives. Bill Barr destroyed America.

  4. I would like to know how many more times will the people who are in charge of Biden are going to pump this guy up with either drugs or blood transfusions or any other substance to keep him going? How long do they expect him to keep going? Because what I see is Biden tripping over himself and struggling to maintain his grip. They all are making excuses for him and what it comes down to is HE CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE!! His wife, his son and whoever else is pushing him have stated he needs more sleep time and less work. Well pardon me if this isn’t a kick in the ass!! Biden is suppose to be the president and there is no way he can have a normal life, a president doesn’t get that option. THAT COMES WITH THE JOB!! Holy cow shit, this can only come out of the mouths of the left!

    • They just need him long enough to get sworn in……then the v.p. becomes president and they find an even more left dei shill to be v.p…….and America is no longer!!!

  5. hypothetical situation (conspiracy theory?) step #1 election at all costs.; #2 swiftly kick JB out as soon as possible via the 25th amendment.; #3 Kamala Harris chooses another VP, and Abra-cadabera a “winning candidate” can take over when she is proven unsuitable. (Of course we have never heard of such a plan. It’s crazy). Would that make it more likely or less likely?

  6. What has America become under the democratic leadership except last in everything and a laughing stock of the world! Vote only RED bring back sanity to America!

  7. this leftist train wreck is their own fault…the reason they backed Biden to begin with is because he was in cognitive decline, and they thought they could use that to be able to call the shots and control the Whitehouse…however they can’t hide it anymore from the people, so they want him out…Unfortunately for them, Joe and Jill don’t want him out so now he’s gone rogue and they cant stop it and they’ve gone back to trying to spin the truth and do damage control. So, to Bloomberg, Finch and the rest of your ilk, I say: Now that you got what you want, do you want what you got!! LOL I doubt it….what a bunch of crooks and liars…I’m still surprised that any American would still believe a word they say…but apparently, we do still have a few village idiots.

  8. Biden has been a fine president,and IDIOT TRUMP is jealous.trump is a papa made Money man,failed busines man,married three times,wife cheater,twice impeached,cannot speak in normal english-he is running so he can make his wife the member of the cabinet,and steal the treasury

  9. This country started out being governed by the people (after it was stolen using genocide), and doesn’t need a dick tater now. Keep pushing, Jackasses; Civil War 2 isn’t far away, and you’re just pouring gasoline on the fire!

  10. It appears Obama may be manipulating the President and should be investigated and barred from the White House. These are the rudest and most nervy people that ever existed and should be kicked out of politics. Biden appears to be totally gone. We should abolish the Democratic party while we can, Trump is right. they will stop at nothing to seize and maintain control over the US. Hang em all on the White House Lawn Donald!


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