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A Nuanced Look at the Feud Between Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens, with Dave Rubin

A Nuanced Look at the Feud Between Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens, with Dave Rubin


Megyn Kelly was joined by Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report, in a discussion that delved into the simmering feud between conservative commentators Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens. As the conversation unfolded, both Kelly and Rubin dissected the contrasting opinions held by these prominent figures within the world of political punditry.

Rubin, known for his ability to engage with guests across the political spectrum, shed light on the underlying issues that have escalated tensions between Shapiro and Owens, touching upon their differing views about race, nationalism, and free speech. Kelly played devil’s advocate throughout the discussion, skillfully navigating the nuances of the complex ideological divide between these two influential figures.


As someone who has walked away from the left/liberal side, I am almost amazed at the self destructive ways of the Conservatives. Nobody beats a conservative better than a fellow conservative. This shit is embarrassing.

I’m with Dave. Tbh, I am sad that two smart honest people like Ben and Candice can’t discuss and debate their points of view without getting personal. If they cannot communicate because of their differences of opinions what hope do we have for any meaningful dialogues in our countries? Very sad and disappointing moment

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