AND, every self-serving Rhino Republican who allowed this to happen. Example: Lib-con Ronald Reagan gave that first disastrous amnesty to those illegal alien criminals during his presidency. Lib-con Trump’s number one promise was that he was going to build that wall and make Mexico pay for it.Instead he dilly-dallied on his promise to the very end. Now his back to promise again, and i say, fool me once shame on him, fool me twice..shame on me.
Just a little confused are we Hari Mata? Go back to where you came from. the reason Trump did not get the wall built was because of the democrat leadership in congress, Nancy Piglosi, who blocked any support for it. Where is your comments of Joe who has opened the border completely, let ILLEGALS do what ever they want while punishing REAL Americans,ie: Trump and all conservatives of which I am one. Joe has caused inflation to run rampant along with crime. He dose nothing for those who took the same oath he took but everything for his buddies ILLEGALS. By the dictionary he has committed TREASON as has every democrat. He steals money from hard working Americans and takes his pay check Yet you condem Trump who gave his pay check to those who needed it. How dare you call yourself an American and say you voted for a TRAITOR, murder and thief. From a disabled veteran of the United States Military. Something neither you or Biden are.
Several ways to pay for something than just hand over a briefcase full of money, like Obama did with Iran on a C5 plane. Can you imagine a plane full in a plane that can carry 20 tanks?
San Fran rejects its ultra-liberal/super-woke persona in favor of rational policies? San Francisco turns out its radically leftist political establishment and elects responsible, pragmatically conservative politicians? Pshaw. Pipe dreams. What we really need is a massive shift along the San Andreas Fault which will finish the job the 1906 earthquake started. The place is well past salvation. San Fran won’t be fixed until its only remaining landmark is a solitary pillar of salt.
AND, every self-serving Rhino Republican who allowed this to happen. Example: Lib-con Ronald Reagan gave that first disastrous amnesty to those illegal alien criminals during his presidency. Lib-con Trump’s number one promise was that he was going to build that wall and make Mexico pay for it.Instead he dilly-dallied on his promise to the very end. Now his back to promise again, and i say, fool me once shame on him, fool me twice..shame on me.
Uh, Joke Biden is sleeping while his slobs fly in thousands of illegal aliens to “red” cities, NOT Reagan or PRESIDENT TRUMP.
I’m surprised you have the balls to admit you voted for the Joke in the WIPE House.
Just a little confused are we Hari Mata? Go back to where you came from. the reason Trump did not get the wall built was because of the democrat leadership in congress, Nancy Piglosi, who blocked any support for it. Where is your comments of Joe who has opened the border completely, let ILLEGALS do what ever they want while punishing REAL Americans,ie: Trump and all conservatives of which I am one. Joe has caused inflation to run rampant along with crime. He dose nothing for those who took the same oath he took but everything for his buddies ILLEGALS. By the dictionary he has committed TREASON as has every democrat. He steals money from hard working Americans and takes his pay check Yet you condem Trump who gave his pay check to those who needed it. How dare you call yourself an American and say you voted for a TRAITOR, murder and thief. From a disabled veteran of the United States Military. Something neither you or Biden are.
Well said NavVet! I couldn’t have said it better. Get Hari Mata sent back to whatever hole he crawled out of. We don’t need his kind in America.
Several ways to pay for something than just hand over a briefcase full of money, like Obama did with Iran on a C5 plane. Can you imagine a plane full in a plane that can carry 20 tanks?
You don’t know SHIT !!!!
Just stay in your mommy’s basement.
We know the rest of your family will vote TRUMP !!!!
You already know TRUMP will win Just like the last two time!!
correct … every city in America .. vote for sanity .out with the clown show
San Fran rejects its ultra-liberal/super-woke persona in favor of rational policies? San Francisco turns out its radically leftist political establishment and elects responsible, pragmatically conservative politicians? Pshaw. Pipe dreams. What we really need is a massive shift along the San Andreas Fault which will finish the job the 1906 earthquake started. The place is well past salvation. San Fran won’t be fixed until its only remaining landmark is a solitary pillar of salt.
Hopefully it will get rid of all the FAGGOTS FREAKS AND WEIRDOS