Alan Dershowitz SLAMS Obama, Harvard for reaction to Hamas, Iran war on Israel



How in the world could Israel be attacked like that? They have the best intelligence in the world. This is crazy. How can these people in Europe and America take to the streets and applaud what has happened to Israel? This is absolutely shameful.

Lets be realistic , as long as Biden and Harris are in office things will get worst before it gets better !!!!


  1. What I think about this whole Israeli situation is that the United States should put heavy sanctions on Iran. The world knows that Iran is the biggest funder of Hamas and their terrorists organization so it is Iran more than anyone who should be blamed and held responsible for what took place in Israel. The United States has not just an obligation to Israel but a duty to help them to fight Hamas and Iran over what happened.

  2. Biden the presidential thief has been bought by many countries Iran is just one of them. The only action he will take on this issue is to just take another sip from his sippy cup and stare into space.

  3. This senile old F’er was at a BBQ while Israel was attacked, has said nothing about Iran being behind this, once he crawled out of his coffin and the WOKE lefties still think this corpse is a wonderful leader. He has said nothing about Harvard pssing all over the victims of the slaughter. He has no balls, and never has. He is the Con man in Chief and most of Americans are SHEEP… we WILL BE next. They are here , through our Southern OPEN border, thanks to this senile POS… They are planning,,,mark my words… It may take awhile but they are here. Pretending to love America, Just like Joey, the walking dead, rotting corpse.

  4. As long as famous Jews like Alan Dershowitz stay in the Democrat Party they are saying I agree and condone the atrocities of the extreme left and will have no impact on the Jewish community !

  5. Biden has greatly emboldened America’s & Israel’s enemies by his policies of appeasement & overall weakness. He has also given hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to our enemies, not to mention freeing up 6 billion dollars of frozen Iranian assets. He has also destroyed our borders, allowing millions of illegals into our country; many of which are our enemies, who seek to destroy our country. Biden has also declared war on our families, our constitution & our way of life; not to mention our belief in God. He is a traitor, should be impeached & prosecuted for his many crimes.


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