Alvin Bragg Has CRUCIAL MOMENT With Trump NY Stormy Case



Trump needs to start filing felony charges against these people for false prosecution.

Stop bullying and harassing our President Trump . Political BS….


  1. Please all of these judges DAs need to be put in jail for twisting the law to suit what they what. That stupid judge doing the real estate case should be put 6’under. He even looks like someone dummer than a bunch of rocks. How the HELL did he get away with not listening to the banker saying they were paid every penny plus more for the loan. Then he would not allow witnesses for Trump & demanded the questions his attorney was going to ask Trump plus Trump’s reply in writing. What the HELL kind of justice is that. Now the other idiot Bragg bringing the Stormy Daniels case up again. Who believes her? She’s another joke just like the old broad who had no proof she was raped in a dressing room. Give me a break. First off even husbands aren’t allowed in a dressing room with their wife. I’m sorry but many women lie for money to accuse men of rape. My brother was falsely accused & when the case went to trial the girl broke down on the stand started crying & said she never had sex with my brother let alone been raped by him but was paid to accuse him. After my brother was arrested, his name dragged through the mud & the cost of all of this. I hope that lady chocks to death on that money & rots in HELl for eternity.

  2. It’s time that these judges and D.A. be arrested and put on trial and find the person behind all of this courtroom farce that the democratic party has been pushing for the last eight years on the taxpayers dime.

    • Democrat is now CATHOLIC. Biden is CATHOLIC. Have you ever heard of a successful CATHOLIC anything? An entire continent destroyed, and now they are after the USA. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for a traitor.

  3. These judges are all being paid off by the Liberal left to accuse President Trump of these ridiculous crimes he is supposedly committed. This is the extreme low of liberals to stoop this low but what do we expect from the lies that they live by. It’s so disgusting to hear and see Letitia James talk like she is upscale as she is nothing more than trash. She’s a liar and she should be fired immediately, they all should be removed from their positions for good, never to hold office again.

  4. Alvin Bragg is a lying fat pig who like these other jackasses want to make a name for themselves so they can feel important. I hope they all go down in a ball of flames and are found guilty of lying and breaking laws. Their reputation should be destroyed in the process. Stormy Daniels is a low trash whore and like this other bitch Carroll who claims she was raped by President Trump is all fabricated to extort money from him. With judges being paid off by the liberals they will find President Trump guilty of everything including if he burped the wrong way.

  5. The WHOLE thing with all of these law suits is ridiculous. If the country doesn’t see what’s going on, then you’d better take off your blinders. Pathetic

    • Here is the plain brutal truth. Democrat is now CATHOLIC. Biden is CATHOLIC. Have you ever heard of a successful CATHOLIC anything? An entire continent destroyed, and now they are after the USA. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for a traitor.

  6. Trump needs to hire a team of attorney’s who’s only job is to file charges against these corrupt judges, DA’s and Prosecutors. they need to demand a billion dollars in damages and penalties in each case and file all the cases in Florida and Texas. they need to blatantly say in their filing that it is impossible to get a fair trial in New York, California or any other democrat run state. Then once all those cases are settle go after the democrats states for having a two tiered justice system.


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