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“America’s Sweetheart” Olympian Fights For Life w NO HEALTH INSURANCE

“America’s Sweetheart” Olympian Fights For Life w NO HEALTH INSURANCE



Just wanted to put this out there. Had the opportunity to run into her several times around town. She literally gleamed with positive energy and friendliness. The type of celebrity to stand there and have a long conversation with you. Every single time. Really is terrible to see her and her family in such a tough spot. She deserves a lot better.

What are you surprised? The Federal Government has been treating AMERICA’S VETERANS the same & worse for years. I know I’m one of those veterans , disabled for 35 plus years from my service during DESERT STORM.
Marylou Renton is in my prayers as well as her family. GOD BLESS & GODSPEED TO HER & HER’S.
I am in need of shoulder surgery & have no family or friends left in my life & the V.A. can’t seem to find me a ride back & fourth or a bed to stay the night in after surgery BECOUSE I have to be observed after surgery for the first night. BECOUSE I have nobody in my life to help me I’m basically being treated like I don’t deserve the medical attention.

“America’s Sweetheart” Olympian Fights For Life w NO HEALTH INSURANCE

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