Another Nation Just BANNED George Soros!!!



He and his money should be banned from America.

Arrest George Soros.


  1. Is Russia smarter than America? America should have banned this “Plague on Humanity” years ago.
    Our government is full of idiots who need to be removed.

  2. If there is one vile creature on this earth that deserves a public hanging it’s this vile Jew hating Jew!

  3. Soros is public enemy #1; & should be kicked out of America, have his citizenship permanently revoked & never allowed to return. His assets should also be frozen, &/or used to pay for the damage he has done to America. He should be used as an example to all traitors to this country.

  4. Every organization or charity that brought people into the USA without legal entry should have their assets seized to pay for all of the costs incurred by government and the cost of returning them to the country they came from immediately.

  5. This vile disgusting scum Soros should be bound and gagged dragged through the streets and tortured until his last breath. That would actually be to good for him considering what he did to so many innocent people because of his hatred.

  6. PRESIDENT TRUMP, who only wants to MAGA gets LAWfared, while,….

    “President Joe Biden’s White House had a frequent high-profile visitor in 2023: Alex Soros, the 38-year-old son of Democratic megadonor and billionaire George Soros.
    The younger Soros took at least eight trips to the White House between February and September of last year to hobnob with federal officials, all while he and his 93-year-old father held meetings with Democratic lawmakers and gifted them with millions of dollars in campaign donations, according to White House visitor logs reviewed by the Washington Examiner.”

    “At least some of the protesters who looted, rioted, burned buildings and overturned police cars in Ferguson, Missouri, last year were promised payment of up to $5,000 per month by M.O.R.E., to join the protests.
    The Ferguson riots cost the county $4.2 million.
    MORE is funded by liberal billionaire George Soros, the Times notes, through his Open Society Foundations (OSF)”

    “Hired protesters with the Black Lives Matter movement have started a #CutTheCheck hashtag and held a sit-in at the offices for the successor group to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) in Missouri after the group allegedly stopped paying them.
    FrontPage Magazine reports that Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) has been paying protesters $5,000 a month to demonstrate in Ferguson. Last week, hired protesters who haven’t been paid held a sit-in at MORE’s offices and posted a demand letter online.”

    “WHAT’S TRUE: A grantmaking network founded by George Soros provided funding to some groups that engaged in Ferguson-related protest activities.”-SNOPES

    “One of the two KAVANAUGH protesters who confronted Jeff Flake in the elevator is Ana Maria Archila, an executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD). The other protester, Maria Gallagher, is an activist with the group. The CPD is indeed heavily funded by George Soros through the Open Society Foundation.”

    “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” – George Soros

    “American supremacy is the greatest threat to the world today.” – George Soros

    • I agree, take all their assets after an outdoor trial on the mall whether it rains or snows. As soon as the trial ends, those assets will be used to deport the illegal invaders to the spot where they entered our country. If Mexico has a problem with that, our active duty, reserve and Guard forces will go after the cartel money that has enriched them. Meantime, a huge scaffold need’s to be erected on the mall and those traitors who did this to destroy our monetary system need to quickly be taken care of. First would be the illegal alien running the compromised puppet! Then the rest of them! Charge for parking, have concession stands and let proceeds sponsor the search and shipment of the illegal invaders that were brought here. Norfolk-Western, Chessie, Union Pacific will be very busy as we stuff them in boxcars with box lunches.


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