Armed Citizens Want To TAKE BACK The Streets Of Hartford Connecticut!



If the police and the city will not protect my woman and my children. THE MEN NEED TO.

The citizens don’t need the Mayor’s permission to arm themselves. That right is God given and backed by our Constitution. These people are doing what is necessary to keep there city safe. And a double good on them for cleaning the trash off the streets! Bravo people!!


  1. That’s how you do it, by force if needed . But one way or the other it’s what all city’s need to do at this time. The democrats are trying to stop the citizens from defending themselves for some stupid reason. Guessing for control over you. The cops hands are tied. So it’s up to the people now to stop all the stupid crime out there. Putting your keys next to the door is the stupidest thing they could say. Cause you know damn well their not doing that. They have armed police protecting them. While they want you to bend a knee tonthe crooks. Go figure !!!

  2. I am So Glad to see Citizens take back their cities/towns from the Do Nothing politicians and restore order.

    Now People Vote those Bastards Out of Office regardless what party they belong to. The fact is those politicians DON’T care about the people’s safety because they have armed guards.

  3. I lived in Connecticut for 40 years. Every year, the cities got worse. So my wife, and I and my two dear friends, Smith and Wesson, moved to North Carolina. And we’re about to elect a Governor who makes Donald Trump look like an introvert! I would encourage everyone with the means to look at safer, saner, states than the Democrat run hell holes you’re living in, to just do it. You won’t be sorry.

  4. I believe Americans have finally had enough govmint. It’s up to us to fix the problem. You don’t throw money at this problem any more. WE THROW JUSTICE and finally fix the problem. Abide by the law or die by the law. Your choice criminals.

  5. Gentleman sounds good to me. The Mayor doesn’t like it because these men going out there proves that the Mayor is failing!

    Bottom line, police departments are the most expensive spending a State, County, and Cities pay. Even our Federal spending pays more to our military than anything else.

    You can never take a city back without boots on the ground and that’s what these guys are doing.

  6. And what exactly do you think the Dems want? How about chaos, even in the streets, that still fits their purpose.

    You all ever heard about Defenestration- look it up and how it started. You see if you focus on the Problem instead of the results of the problem, you’ll bring about positive change a lot quicker; and the confrontation is centered around the leaders of the Problem- your elected officials! IMHO

  7. lived in Conn as 45 years and it’s about time to get HARTFORD
    straight like clean and safe,
    for a long time Hartford was a place you avoided
    so let’s hope this works and it don’t turn into a battlefield

  8. PRAYERS are good armor against the work of the devils. Let us offer some penance this LENTEN season for peace to prevail and keep praying for peace, not to instigate people to fight with arms. May God protect us from the people who are demonized and lost respect for others’ lives.

  9. if you wait for the Federal and State government to take back the streets you will be still waiting when u are in the grave!
    More power to the armed take back the streets people in Hartford and anywhere else.

  10. That’s how the ‘Wild West’ was tamed. Ordinary citizens used their personally-owned guns (and rope) to kill off enough bad guys to make their towns safe. Read up on the ‘Great Northfield, Minnesota Raid — 1876’ where the James and Younger gang got shot to pieces by townsfolk when they tried to rob the town bank. ‘When ballots don’t work — bullets do’ — Malcolm X.


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