Banning AR-15s Isn’t About Infringing On You, It’s About Protecting You Says Political Commentator


Ally Samarco is a social media political commentator who literally calls herself “The Tomi Lahren Antidote” on her TikTok page.

Now, I’m no Tomi Lahren superfan but come on, Really, Really, that’s how you want to identify yourself?

Anyway, Ally Pumpkin spice posted a video on X (formerly known as twitter) explaining in a viral video why we need to ban AR-15s.

She stated, “Imagine you are at a bowling alley with a handgun and a perpetrator walks in with a militiray style weapon and a bullet proof vest. There’s literally no way you are going to be able to defend yourself. Banning weapons of war on the street isn’t about infringing on you, it’s about protecting you.”

Colion Noir discusses this in the youtube video below:


Anyone who wants to ban guns to prevent violence has forgotten how violent civil war is.

She wants to ban weapons, to protect criminals, robbers, rapists, and murderers from being harmed by bullets that were fired by good people’s guns. – that’s what she is really trying to say.


  1. Ban the AR15, as well as any other look alike a military weapon, to protect me? These stupid libs don’t live in the real world. The criminals don’t buy their guns legally. They either steal them or buy from the black market, which are already stolen guns. Many times these guns, whether it be the AR15 or AK47 are modified to fire full automatic like their military counterparts. And in some cases, the black market does provide actual M16s. Criminals can even get anti tank weapons, machineguns, and grenade launchers if they have the money and have the right connections. This stupid idea of disarming the law abiding citizen is not designed to protect the citizens, it’s designed to exterminate the law abiding citizens using the criminals to do it. Just like what Bill Gates and the rest of the Marxist dummycrats say, “it’s easier to control a small population than a large one.”


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