Even if Trump is convicted of these crimes, it won’t convince me he’s guilty. I’ll still vote for him.

I find it hard to believe that anyone would vote for Joe Biden.


  1. People are know by their fruits, and facts matter. People who vote for any liberal Democrat are showing that they vote for the Democrat party, not for who is going to keep them free, not for who is going to keep them prosperous, not for who is going to who keep them safe, well, and secure, not for who is going to keep us invaded by enemies and terrorists, and not for “who is not” putting our citizens and our country first over those who invade us, or who pay them big bucks to hand us and our country over to the UN globalists. I am loyal to “that which is right and keeps us safe”….anything else is sheer insanity.

    • Okay Common Sense, Your zeal for what is right blew your gamma out the water. But your bottom line statement is spot on. “I am loyal to ‘that which is right and keeps us safe’….anything else is sheer insanity.”
      That is not necessarily Trump. He let the Dems hamstring him by his choices of AG, VP, and by not following Bill Clinton’s example of administrative change. Day 1 he should have fired every single Democrat Assistant DA in America. Bill Clinton Fired all Republican DA’s. He should have long ago counter sued his persecutors. Why has he not yet filed the grievous Constitutional violations committed by these out of control, Soros funded DA’s? Now he’s looking at a VP that is either Democrat or a Hindu. That is not going to make me comfortable voting for him, it is going to leave me in the same place I have been 20 out of the last 32 years. Swallow hard, vote, and cut off the offending finger!

  2. Biden would be in trouble if you believe the dems will play fairly. They won’t. They will not allow Trump to win.

    • Sadly, even if Trump wins 99.9% of the votes in the whole country, IMO he will not get in the White House. The evil corrupted demoncratic party will cheat and steal the White House and our own Republican party who unfortunately is entirely inept and divided, will not be able to confront this evil entity and save our National election process.

  3. The election was not stolen. The count was confirmed by VP PENCE. PEOPLE still believe the lies. MAY THE HOLY SPIRIT ENLIGHTEN the people who still believe the lies. Although the polls show that Trump is leading, election time will show that lies will never survive.

    • If the election is not rigged nor stolen from Trump, then why did Biden gets 81 million votes when there was 79 million registered voters?.

      Biden campaign in his basement and win all votes. Common sense will tell anyone that Biden has indeed stolen the Presidency from Trump.


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