Biden Just Got Some REALLY BAD NEWS!!!



Like President Trump said he was screaming at American’s when American’s should be screaming at Biden..Trump 2024

Great for Trump,I voted for him and I will again.


  1. Democrats live by the concept that if you lie big enough often enough everyone will believe you.

    For a long time that worked. however, the obama/biden 2013 funding of the gain of function of covid 19 and the follow on release and use as a election year campaign tool ended the acceptance of the lies for much of america.

    The claim the the MRNA shots were safe when they were not. the claims the social distancing was science when it was not. the claims the masks worked when they did not. the lies ended our trust in the CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO, Surgeon general, and many others.

    Now most of us know that a lie is a lie the first time or the 4000th time.

    Biden and the democrats are just very slow at catching on.

  2. The Memorial — We . . . gain life through him.—1 John 4:9. — In the late 19th century, a group of Bible students led by Charles Taze Russell began an intensive study of the Scriptures. They wanted to know the truth about the value of Jesus’ sacrifice and how his death should be commemorated. Today we benefit from their research. How so? Our eyes have been opened to the truth about Jesus’ sacrifice and what it accomplishes. (1 John 2:1, 2) We have also learned that the Bible holds out two hopes for humans who please God—immortal life in heaven for some and everlasting life on earth for others. We draw closer to Jehovah as we consider how much he loves us and how much we personally benefit from Jesus’ sacrifice. (1 Pet. 3:18) So like our faithful brothers of the past, we invite others to join us in observing the Memorial according to the pattern Jesus set.
    Today we benefit from the research that those sincere Christian men undertook so long ago. How so? With Jehovah’s blessing, our eyes have been opened to the truth about Jesus’ sacrifice and what it accomplishes. (1 John 2:1, 2) To repeat this very important part; We have also learned that the Bible holds out two hopes for humans who please God—immortal life in heaven for some and everlasting life on earth for millions of others. We draw closer to Jehovah as we consider how much he loves us and how much we personally benefit from Jesus’ sacrifice. (1 Pet. 3:18; 1 John 4:9) So like our faithful brothers of the past, we invite others to join us in observing the Memorial according to the pattern Jesus set. – The full information about the Memorial is about 3 pages long. If you would like to read all of the information, please email me; [email protected]. I can also direct you to where you can arrange to have a FREE personal Bible study. Please request the link via email.

  3. IT is sad that some of us are easy to label people as idiots. I guess it takes one to know one. This reminds me of one of my former nursing students who was a male and a little older than the rest of his classmates. He was so humble, unassuming and perceived by some of his classmates even his own siblings that he may not pass the nursing state board. I was then a nurse educator in one oof the hospitals in NYC where he applied for a nursing job and was accepted. His siblings also worked in the same hospital where I worked. Being his former instructor in nursing school, I told his sisters that I will help him prepare for the exams. I was requested not to push him hard because he might have a mental breakdown, so I did. He took the exams when he told me that he felt ready to tackle the NYS state boards. Amazingly, he passed with one take and his classmates who got honors while being students took the exams two-three times. I guess, idiocy is a wrong perception by so many and those who perceive others as idiots are idiots themselves. So let us be kind not to label people as idiots if they have done something better than we do!MAY God reward people with HIS BLESSINGS who are humble and unassuming!

  4. Stop the preaching. Who cares about your nursing student immuity and Richard gould save your preaching for the church of morons. Biden is a national disgrace and being called an idiot was being polite.


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