Biden Just HANDED Trump the PRESIDENCY!!!!



Joe’s Twilight Years are The Country’s Twilight Zone

So wonderful to see Dinesh on your show Dr Steve…he’s a brilliant man. Now here we have TWO amazing, truth-loving men on the screen…what an intellectually honest treat! ❤️


  1. I just hope trump gets 110 million votes. that way no matter how many biden gets the democrats have a problem. there is only 150 million legal registered voters.

    we have 6 million too many votes in 2020 but some how everyone said it was a clean and fair election.

    6 million is the same as the number biden won by.

    plus we never get 100% turn out so it is like only 100-110 million voted.

    there was no way the election was not rigged. so if the numbers become so out of line that no democrat BS can make it make sense then the rigged election issue become the only issue that matters.

    The whole reason the democrats have been attacking trump is their fear he will push to uncover all their crap. while cutting the CIA, FBI, DOJ, EPA, CDC, FDA, NIH, and IRS. followed by tax cuts to permanently reduce staffing.

  2. Just a reminder of elections of the past. When Obama was running for second term against Romney, everyone was chirping that Romney had it in the bag. He certainly was going to be the next President. He was so Presidential. Everyone that I worked with were convinced of this. But, I said, “No, Obama will get the second term”. Oh No, everyone said – Romney for sure. I said, “who do you think that the country is going to vote for, with the climate that our country was in. The person who is offering education (college), jobs, and all things to help people to get on their feet, or the person who is offering everything for free!” And guess who the next President was – Obama. The elections can be rigged just like 2020. Pray people; if you want to save our country.

  3. Biden is already gone. Drooling in a corner hooked up with drugs means his brain is mashed potatoes. Trump needs to be put in charge as a substitute president for now. Our country is in danger, and we all know it. With two wars, illegals that are useless and already starting riots and eating our pets, our parks beautiful swans because they have taken all our food. How much more do we want? We want our country back and a strong leader. We need Trump. Biden has already cracked.


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