Biden THROWS MASSIVE TANTRUM as Trump Indictments help him WIN!



TRUMP in 2024 !!!!

It is such an EMBARRASSMENT for us on the World Stage to have Prosecuters corruptly using the law.Why don’t the States throw Fani and Letitia out on their butt!?


  1. He may be ahead NOW, but wait until they shut down the voting locations and counting places and start stuffing the boxes with votes for Darth Biden like they did in 2020, and throwing out votes for Trump. It doesn’t matter how far ahead Trump is, because he’s not running against people who play fair.

  2. Never fear, Obama already has it rigged! Just like he did in 2020, and his two elections. He and Biden even admitted it on tv that they had the most sophisticated fraud scheme going. Guess no one heard that, but they should have, Biden is NOT running the country, Obama is through his stooge doofus Biden.

  3. Jamie Raskin, a lying lawyer pos from Maryland. He should be in jail over that Jan 6th Kangaroo BS just like they have going on against Pres Trump all-over. All of them should be in prison with Bribem these other quislings that are Democratisch-Marxists.

  4. The Democrat Party – Hate The American People So Mush That All That Are

    Able Will Take Up Arms In Order To Take American Back And We Will Be

    Back In Civil War Again — And Maybe That The Way To Go! Do You See A

    Better Way ?

  5. LET us keep praying for the honest people to win. Dishonest people believe on other dishonest people. The best way to win in any endeavor is to pray for enlightenment.Trust begets trust. IF we do not have trust on anyone, trust cannot help us in any way.MAY our good LORD bless everyone.

  6. When Biden was debating Trump, I heard him say that they had the most sophisticated fraud going. Just re-run the video; it’s all there. They are crooks and will do it all over again. God save us!

  7. Stormy Daniels needs to be arrested for prostitution. She is skilled at lying and most likely has had sex with multiple people. She also should be arrested for trying to overthrow our government by attacking our real President, Donald J. Trump. What she did is treason. Others have been executed for overthrowing our government.


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