He’s not that intelligent! It’s his boss, “The Wizard of Kenya”, Barry Soeterro. Bribem just sign’s off on the EO’s. Barry running the Oval Office thru that earpiece, just like he joked about. Throwing salt in our faces. Now he want’s to bring Palestinian refugees here. Just what we don’t need! They will never simulate or work. Why not bring the Ukrainian widows and children that “definitely” qualify for asylum. “Oh”, The Kenyan wouldn’t want them, as they don’t go with the grain of his “rebrowning of America” fundamental change he want’s to bring here. F/H, send him back to Kenya with Bribem and his family, these corrupt quislings!
We are so quick on making judgements on others and yet we cannot see our own faults. NOBODY among us has been president of a country or even manage a business venture. WE are buried in our own idiocy thinking that we are better than others. We have ceased to respect others and are ready to criticize. Discrimination based on race is still rampant and lost our Christian values this is why we are confronted by many evil acts against others. Our younger generation do not show respect to their elders because the older people have lost respect on others. LET fairness and respect dominate in our lives and pass these virtues to the young people.
Do you have to be brain dead special needs like he is, to think bidumb is doing a good job or just a fing idiot, or just a democRATic liberal????
Any of the above….and more.
Everything is backward .he’s destroying America. People that support him are just helping him.!
He’s not that intelligent! It’s his boss, “The Wizard of Kenya”, Barry Soeterro. Bribem just sign’s off on the EO’s. Barry running the Oval Office thru that earpiece, just like he joked about. Throwing salt in our faces. Now he want’s to bring Palestinian refugees here. Just what we don’t need! They will never simulate or work. Why not bring the Ukrainian widows and children that “definitely” qualify for asylum. “Oh”, The Kenyan wouldn’t want them, as they don’t go with the grain of his “rebrowning of America” fundamental change he want’s to bring here. F/H, send him back to Kenya with Bribem and his family, these corrupt quislings!
The video had so much background noise, I couldn’t hear the speaker.
We are so quick on making judgements on others and yet we cannot see our own faults. NOBODY among us has been president of a country or even manage a business venture. WE are buried in our own idiocy thinking that we are better than others. We have ceased to respect others and are ready to criticize. Discrimination based on race is still rampant and lost our Christian values this is why we are confronted by many evil acts against others. Our younger generation do not show respect to their elders because the older people have lost respect on others. LET fairness and respect dominate in our lives and pass these virtues to the young people.
Well stated!