Bill Maher Goes Silent After Republican Calls Out Democrats Election Denial Hypocrisy To His Face



Can we stop giving Maher a pass just because he’s said some left leaning centrist comments? He’s still a hard leftist that openly advocated for leftist culture and supported the idiotic policies destroying our country right now.

Ron, my man, how was president Trump supposed to do all that with the entire apparatus of the government fighting him on every front? If you were to win they will do the same to you too!


  1. First of all, I think Bill Maher’s constant mocking of Trump as being the son of an orange Orangutan , over and over , even leading to a law suit, was very instrumental in prodding Trump to run, just to give Maher the finger. HE WON. Now Maher has tempered back his slurring and even in his return to HBO, he sounds way more apologetic and WOKE in his pitch. It is also sad that Bill has been on WEED for his entire adult life. We, and I, have all had sht in our lives, horrible stress, losses, etc, but never had to use the crutch of alcohol or drugs. HE brags about it as though its some sort of badge of honor. IT’s not. He is addicted to whatever can prop him up, to soothe him, and to make his horrible millionaire life tolerable. I used to sort of admire him once in awhile, but now, he has become just another mouth piece puppet for the Left Wing. He has used this conflict in our political world to bring him some attention from the Right wing… more face time. He is , as most Lefties, obligated to support an extreme liberal life style, otherwise they would have to examine and condemn themselves for the drugs, whoring, and gawd knows what other immoral/ illegal acts they live by. Take a look at BLM, the MOBS in Chicago, Philly, LA, San Fran…Don’t tell me they don’t forgive their despicable lives every single day, based on being Left wing and within/deserving, according to the laws they have altered to make them unaccountable. PG? Get an abortion, Stoned in class, make it legal, Drunk, 24/7? That’s fine, its legal. Raid and destroy a business, loot, hell, that’s fine too, You be black, it be OK, you deserve the freebies due to being born with a defect , know as Melanin, the NEW excuse/ reason/law. Soon hunting down and murdering/looting/ raping/vandalizing anything and anybody NOT black will be the NEW LAW.. NO police, no punishment, no self defense, no right to property, businesses, self or children…. OH WAIT a damn minute… WE are already there!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I couldn’t have said it better! Wish that would be BLASTED ALL OVER THIS FAILING DEMONRAT LEANING COUNTRY! 24/7! Let the howling, screeching, and gnashing of libbie-loo teeth commence! Stock up on earplugs, and “certain stuff” to defend yourself when they go totally ape-sheit! Egad! They’re partly there already! Pathetic World we’re turning into, cuz of…well, hmmmm, the good people (of all breeds, colors, shapes and sizes) know who the problem ones are, and causing this chaos! DUH! In nature, when species become overrun or “defective” , invasive, a threat to each other, etc, then DISEASE, or cannibalism, violence, etc etc kicks in, and they, thankfully for the rest of the world, they just destroy each other or die off….so, how long do you suppose it’ll be before the human species, at least the ones you know I’ve pointed out without mentioning ages, colors, political preferences, etc, get their comeuppance for becoming such aholls to the world and each other? Soon I hope! Just think how much better the Earth would be if ALL the nasties in the human species, from white to black, just…. *POOF* disappeared.The birds would sing louder, the air would be cleaner, the water would be purer, every living thing would rejoice! For a long while, hopefully!

  3. What is going to happen is all the criminals will live in democrat cities but do to crime have no businesses to rob they will all move to law abiding Republican states watch what is going on in California in a democrat controlled state who’s election is completely filled full of fraud if u don’t believe this look at what happened when newsome got recalled by 2 million registered voters and got reelected with just 600 voters


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