Black Chicago Residents Sue Mayor to Defund the Migrants. They Want Deportations.



This is what happens when you vote by skin color and not by their actual platforms on topics. This isn’t “buyers remorse”, it’s impulse buying.

I’ll never get over the NY governor equating immigration to “Yay! New restaurants!” What a tool.


  1. I Stand with the black communities of Chicago!!! I’m in Michigan and we’re getting them here. Defund and deport as many as we can! They send Illegals to a small city in Albion, called the Star common wealth!

  2. First off I’d like to say is that I have never disliked a person because of skin color but I have at times disliked the ass hole in side that skin .. Chicago is blue and has always been blue but many citizens in Chicago don’t like the new color of blue that is taking over but they need to get used to migrants cause more are on the way

  3. The Black communities are finally realizing that the Democrats aren’t for them and they haven’t been for quite some time. They promise the world to them at election and then not deliver. That’s a Democrat for you they speaked with both sides of their mouth.

  4. The real political party that has used minority groups for their personal cause of power since the beginning of this country has been the democrats. If a person does not believe this and recognize the truth they will continue to be fooled and lied to forever.

  5. that’s what democrats do
    they lie to you for your votes and you are stupid to vote for them
    years and years of lying to you

  6. I don’t understand how long it takes for people to realize what leaders they’ve chosen, and how they are being used — until the election is over. Left wing assumes they have the vote from majority of blacks, Hispanics, Jews and other groups, and don’t even try to deliver on their promises.


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